We are a city of readers, and apparently we start early. Presented here, a selection of reviews and commentary offered at Books of Wonder, the all-children’s-literature shop on West 18th Street, on a recent Saturday.
ALICE, 6 1/2
Freckleface Strawberry, by Julianne Moore.
Do you have a favorite page? “The one that she puts her underwear on her head. It’s funny.”
From Tip to Toe: A Little Book of Fairy Fashion, by Cicely Mary Barker.
Do you have a favorite part? “The pictures.”
CHIMENE, 4, and CADE, 2
The Little Mermaid and Other Fairy Tales, by Hans Christian Andersen, and Little Police Car, by the staff of Paradise Press.
What do you like about it? Chimene: “The Ursula voice—she takes Ariel’s voice.” Cade: “The truck.”
MILES, 5 months
Goodnight Moon, by Margaret Wise Brown.
Do you like Goodnight Moon? “Eeee!” [Smiles.]
Farmyard Fun Talking Blocks, by Dominique Chauveau and Eric Plouffe.
“I build the clouds [with the blocks]. And a pony. Piggy’s feet—over there, that’s piggy’s nose. Upside down.”
SAM, 4
My Big Train Book, by Roger Priddy, and Truck, by Donald Crews.
What made you choose these? “I like trucks. I like fire engines, too. [Looks at the train book.] That one is smaller, that one is the biggest.”
Which do you like better? “Steam over diesel, but I love some diesel, too. I like the subway, but it scares me when it’s coming.”
How to Build a Snowman, by Scholastic Inc.
How come you wanted this one? “I want to build a snowman.”
How Santa Lost His Job, by Stephen Krensky and S.D. Schindler.
Which part do you like the most? “Can’t tell you! I didn’t read it before.”

“Because I just moved to Boulder, Colorado, and all I can think about is walking home to my apartment in Brooklyn toward the sun setting over the Williamsburg Bridge.”