How would you describe your mood these days?
Zenlike indifference, plus I love springtime! … . 16
Not too bad… . 32
Fidgety… . 19
More anxious than usual… . 26
Freaked out all the time… . 3
What are you most worried about?
The economy in general… . 35
Getting a new job now that I’ve lost mine… . 14
Keeping my job… . 12
Swine flu… . 12
My kid’s future… . 9
Terrorism… . 5
TARP not working… . 3
Has the recession made you appreciate more what you already have?
Yes … . 81
No … . 10
Don’t have anything anyway … .7
Do you have trouble sleeping?
Often… . 20
Sometimes… . 43
I sleep like a baby… . 35
Are you staying in more because of the economy?
Yes… . 49
No… . 49
Have you caught yourself noticing swine-flu-like symptoms?
Yes… . 17
No… . 81
Have you stopped eating pork because of the flu scare?
Yes… . 2
No… . 65
I never eat pork anyway… . 22
This is a stupid question; you can’t catch swine flu that way… . 10
What else are you doing to avoid flu?
Washing hands obsessively… . 49
Staying inside more… . 4
Not kissing people… . 6
Not shaking hands… . 2
Not taking the subway… . 2
“Wearing mask on subway, hand sanitizing.”
“Not kissing pigs”
Has the economic climate reduced your willingness to do any of the following?
Use credit cards… . 33
Buy an apartment/house… . 26
Leave your job… . 24
Go back to school… . 13
Have a baby… . 9
How afraid are you of swine flu?
What’s that? … . 4
Not worried whatsoever … . 5
A little nervous … . 38
Actively taking precautions against catching … . 10
Totally terrified … . 3
Does Obama know what he’s doing with the national economy?
Yes… . 66
No, but he has good intentions… . 27
Not at all… . 3
He’s a socialist out to destroy America’s greatness… . 3
Does Bloomberg know what he’s doing with the city economy?
Yes… . 53
No… . 45
Do you think that Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner is a prisoner to Wall Street’s interests?
Yes… . 32
No… . 47
Are things going to get better:
Later this year… . 31
Next year… . 27
2011 or later… . 38
Probably never… . 3
Are America’s enemies taking advantage of our weakness?
Yes… . 37
No—they’re weak right now too… . 61
Did you see the 747 flying low near the Statue of Liberty before it was explained that it was part of an Air Force photo shoot?
Yes… . 17
No… . 81
If yes, how much did it scare you?
Not at all… . 6
I got pretty worried… . 10
I thought it was another attack … . 1
Were you evacuated from your home/office during the confusion?
Yes… . 4
No… . 94
What will have the most value as currency after the apocalypse?
Gold… . 40
Cigarettes… . 7
Hard liquor… . 17
Ammunition… . 28
“Love.” “Swiss chocolate.” “Pot.”
Jokes about the apocalypse are …
Hilarious… . 24
Getting a little played out… . 35
Becoming too plausible to be funny… . 21
Played out, but not as played out as pirate jokes… . 16
Have good intel? Send tips to [email protected].