1 Jan
Good to see Santorum surging in Iowa. Regardless of policies, all debates showed principles, consistency and humility like no other.
2 Jan
Can’t resist this tweet, but all Iowans think about Rick Santorum. Only candidate with genuine big vision for country.
4 Jan
Well, well! Values DO count. Santorum result pretty amazing. Policy very similar to Reagan. Now start to sound like him.
11 Jan
Can’t blame Newt G too much. He was carpet bombed with negatives by Romney. Brilliant, visionary but just too much baggage! And erratic.
17 Jan
When will Romney get a manager to prepare him? Fancy not being ready for questions about taxes or felons! Damaging.
25 Jan
Romney’s tax returns might kill his chances. See Republican establishment panic now!
4 Feb
Romney has plenty of brains, but want to see heart and stomach.
20 Feb
From distance, Santorum doing great. Values really do count in America, and not sneered at as in parts of Europe. Win Michigan game over.
24 Jun
When is Romney going to look like a challenger? Seems to play everything safe, make no news except burn off Hispanics.
24 Jun
Easy for Romney to spell out restoration of the American dream and bash incompetent administration. But not a word!
2 Jul
Romney people upset at me! Of course I want him to win, save us from socialism, etc. but should listen to good advice and get stuck in!
1 Jul
Watch Katie Holmes and Scientology story develop. Something creepy, maybe even evil, about these people.
1 Jul
Since Scientology tweet hundreds of attacks. Expect they will increase and get worse and maybe threatening. Still stick to my story.
Content Pirates
14 Jan
So Obama has thrown in his lot with Silicon Valley paymasters who threaten all software creators with piracy, plain thievery.
4 Jan
Piracy leader is Google who streams movies free, sells advts around them. No wonder pouring millions into lobbying.
14 Jan
Just been to google search for mission impossible. Wow, several sites offering free links. I rest my case.
17 Jan
Big bipartisan majorities both houses sold out by POTUS for search engines. How about 2.2 m workers in entertainment industry? Piracy rules
17 Jan
Don’t care about people not buying movies, programs or newspapers, just stealing them.
23 Jan
No excuses for phone hacking. No argument. No excuses either for copyright stealing, but plenty of ignorant argument!
2 Jan
While Obama feeling courageous, why not follow his first class education policy. US’ absolute biggest crisis. No read, no write, no jobs.
8 Jan
Obama out to lunch! 90 percent right on great issues of education and immigration. Bipartisan support mostly there. Why no leadership?
4 Feb
What does POTUS think he’s doing upsetting and energizing 77 million Catholics. Ideology on show. If Romney has brains, this is a killer
3 Apr
Obama seems to agree with consensus view obamacare going down. Bullying supremes silly. People trust judges over politicians any time.
8 May
POTUS seems to be allowing campaign advisers set national policy instead of listening to top professionals. Unlike Bill Clinton or Bush.
2 Jun
Did White House leak highest security secret possible yesterday about cyber attacks on Iran? If so, dangerous, maybe scandalous, game.
Typo Scolds
9 Jan
Re complaints about my spelling! Problem is my pathetic typing. Sorry, if anyone really cares.
16 Jan
Seems like universal anger with Optus from all sorts of normal supporters. Maybe backing pirates a rare miscalculation by friend Axelrod.
16 Jan
Yes, thanks, of course I meant POTUS. Somehow iPad changed my spelling. I should have checked. Sorry.
Media Enemies
2 Jan
Got to watch Foxnews at 5 EST. Liberal Bob Beckel and team great replacement for Beck and much more fun.
8 Jan
Ron Paul Good point on racism, as well as great put down to snotty Stephanopolous. Sorry if spelling wrong!
4 Feb
Ignore Thomson Reuters. Thomsons chickened out of GB decades ago, except for oil money. Now control Reuters and no idea what bias they push
31 Jan
F.T. Financial Times or Fawlty Towers? Sun on Sunday story today 100 percent wrong.
28 Mar
Seems every competitor and enemy piling on with lies and libels. So bad, easy to hit back hard, which preparing.
28 Mar
Enemies many different agendas, but worst old toffs and right wingers who still want last century’s status quo with their monopolies.
29 Mar
Let’s have it on! Choice, freedom of thought and markets, individual personal responsibility
29 Mar
Proof you can’t trust anything in Australian Fairfax papers, unless you are just another crazy.
5 May
Digital revenue down at Washington Post and NYT. Up strongly at WSJ. What gives?
1 Jul
London again. 8 lively, different Sunday papers. Some great writing, some fun, some hysterical but happy change from boring Sunday NYT.
The Euro
5 Feb
Euro can only work if whole euro zone becomes German, which ever-increasing productivity. Surely impossible, may yet take years to bust.
5 Feb
If Britain had joined euro it would be in even deeper doodoo than already. Cheap pound compared to year ago only thing keeping state going.
29 Apr
Europe needs growth strategies as well as scrapping entitlement culture. Very hard with euro choking everything.
26 May
Why should Germans have to pay Greeks for laziness and cheating? Now Spain in real pain, next comes shocks from France. More.
26 May
Majority of public never wanted Euro to be foisted on them by political class but nobody saw today’s awful but inevitable cost of collapse.
Tax Loopholes
18 Jan
Romney tax uses long-term legal loophole. “carried interest” makes all fund managers rich. Time both parties stopped selling out to Wall S
19 Jan
Carried interest tax racket. Billions over many years. Why and where has Obama been?
26 Jan
Absolutely pay full income taxes plus NY state plus NY city! No joy, but no dodges.
29 Apr
Social fabric means all. Must wake up before coming apart more. That includes closing tax loopholes for rich people and companies.
14 May
Watching California — richest most beautiful inventive state anywhere — busy driving people out, going broke.
14 May
Middle America mostly in great shape and spirit, versus both coasts almost opposite but with some great exceptions.
20 May
Back from crazy California. Cutting great universities and schools, building 10 Bn fast railway to nowhere. Huge deficit can’t fill.
26 May
Back to LA today! Another mess, beaches, parks being closed as counties run out of money. School system disaster, 50 percent drop out.
31 Dec
Vacations great time for thinking. St Barth’s too many people. Thoughts best kept private around here. Like London!
2 Jan
NY cold and empty, even central park. Nice!
28 Jan
Back in the land of the free. First sight of blue sky in ten days. NY beautiful.
19 Feb
Miracles do happen! Sun shining in London.
Being Cold
25 Mar
Back in LA. Cold after warm London and NY.
18 Jun
Glorious sailing and very cold swimming in Croatia. Big excitement tonite if they win Euro football. Back to work in two days.
Snack Gouging
15 Jan
Agree about cinema prices which out of our control—but even more offensive are prices for popcorn and sodas.
David Cameron
19 Feb
Alex Salmond clearly most brilliant politician in U.K. Gave Cameron back of his hand this week. Loved by Scots.
26 Feb
Britain strange. Month ago Cameron anti-business every chance, now equally pro-business. On the road to Ed Milliband!
1 Jul
Cameron usual double talk about EU. “will consider referendum on membership after euro crisis cured” which will be never.
1 Jul
Cameron again. Missing last opportunity for devastating row with Lib Dems and winning single issue election! Govt weak bar 2 or 3 stars.
Politicians, Generally
14 Feb
To hell with politicians! When are we going to find some to tell the truth in any country? Don’t hold your breath.
15 Apr
Economic problems made by waves of politicians making impossible promises. Now the bills are arriving.
30 Apr
Governments worldwide have borrowed 100 trillion last ten years. Defaults inevitable sometime soon. Means crash, hurting rich and poor.
23 Jan
Why can’t we have sensible tweets. You’re mainly just crazy and fun to read. No loss of sleep here.
10 Feb
Please keep tweeting. I read all but how about cleaning up language? Incidentally most credit me with non- existent power and money.
15 Apr
Tweeters who don’t like particular newspapers don’t have to buy them. Thousands of crappy blogs available.
5 May
Seems impossible to have civilised debate on twitter. Ignorant, vicious abuse lowers whole society, maybe shows real social decay.
7 May
One or two tweets on FCC okay, but hundreds identical Just phony and abuses twitter. By the way, what law?
31 Dec
Have just. Read The Rational Optimist. Great book.
13 Apr
Economists state Americans in real terms grew 700 percent in last 100 years by tech inventions — electricity, cars, stainless steel etc.
13 Apr
Now we on cusp of new wave of tech transformations to beat last century growth. Big data, smart manufacturing and wireless. Exciting!
29 Apr
Re-reading Rational Optimist. All should. Western world’s psych needs turnaround and encouragement. Plenty to celebrate.
29 Apr
Public education real threat to social fabric, but great inventions continue. Change coming everywhere next five to ten years. 29 Jun Tough week, but went better than I expected.
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