The Law Office of Robert F. Danzi

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The Law Office of Robert F. Danzi

Cover Feature
A Matter of Teamwork

Robert F. Danzi discusses his firm’s successful track record and how he didn’t earn his reputation for being �the patient’s advocate’ entirely on his own.

When Robert F. Danzi reflects on his nearly 40 years in practice, the injury lawyer known as “the patient’s advocate” immediately attributes his law firm’s success to teamwork.

“Nobody can do it all alone,” he says. “I started the firm as a solo practitioner, but always had a strong support system. I believe in hard work and attention to detail, which is why everyone in our office provides that same degree of dedication to our clients – because these are the times they need it most.”

Indeed, victims and families impacted by medical malpractice, catastrophic injury and wrongful death continually turn to the Law Office of Robert F. Danzi when they need compassionate lawyers who can also be fighters in the courtroom or at the negotiating table. The firm is also led by partners Christine Coscia and John Danzi, and has secured hundreds of millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements throughout New York.

“When we accept a case, our clients benefit from the experience, knowledge and courtroom abilities of all three partners, as well as a dedicated staff,” says Bob. “Our clients’ goals become ours, and our individual skill sets and ability to communicate with each other has enabled us to secure victories and awards that might not otherwise be possible.”

That dynamic was instrumental in 2018, when the firm represented the family of a child whose premature birth caused several severe conditions, including cerebral palsy and blindness. The firm settled against the hospital prior to the three-week trial in April, during which Bob and John argued that the mother’s obstetrician’s failure to counsel her on the use of progesterone during her pregnancy could have prevented the pre-term delivery. The jury agreed with the Danzis and awarded $78 million for the plaintiff – one of New York’s most substantial verdicts of the year and further solidifying the firm’s reputation for commitment and client service.

“We met the plaintiff when she was 18-months-old and we instantly wanted to achieve justice on her behalf. She’s now 10, and the damage done to her inspired our stamina in preparing for trial, which is why we always believed we could win,” Bob says. “We were honored to fight for her and her family, who now have sufficient financial support for her care and treatment.”

In recent years, the firm’s precedent-setting verdicts and settlements have included:

B v. L - $35 million – Catastrophic Injury
A 25-year-old man was brought to the hospital following a motor vehicle accident. Due to inappropriate postoperative administration of the wrong medication, the patient suffered a loss of oxygen to his brain, causing severe brain damage.

D v. TR, MD et al. - $7.321 million – Wrongful Death/Medical Malpractice
A 46-year-old wife and mother of three minors visited the hospital with abdominal pain, requiring an appendectomy. Following the surgery, the surgeon unnecessarily removed the right half of her colon. The doctor failed to discover that he obstructed a major artery during the procedure, leading to her death.

R v. WCS, et al. - $7 million – Catastrophic Injury/Motor Vehicle Accident
In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, a pedestrian out for a morning walk was struck by an insurance adjuster’s car, causing severe harm and injury. “All our lawyers contribute to each case we handle, from depositions to trials,” notes Bob. “The bond we share is extended to each client, who we treat like family. Our goal is to provide them with the best possible representation and, in doing so, hope that our work protects others from suffering similar tragedies.”

— Justin Smulison