Ogen & Sedaghati, P.C.

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Ogen & Sedaghati, P.C.

Practice Areas: Personal Injury, Automobile Accidents & Premises Cases

The team of Natalie Sedaghati and Eitan Ogen have an impressive proven record of multiple 7-figure and 6-figure verdicts and settlements, many for non-surgical, �soft tissue� disputed cases with problematic liability scenarios. Once again, they have had several of their cases honored in this year’s NYLJ’s Top Verdicts publication. Both partners were have been selected as Super Lawyers numerous times�a designation awarded to only the top 5% of attorneys in New York�and are Members of the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum. Additionally, Natalie Sedaghati was one (1) of only nine (9) female attorneys selected as a Super Lawyer in New York in the practice area of Personal Injury. They have also been featured in a special advertising section in NY Magazine, Newsweek’s Top Leaders in Personal Injury, as well as Fox 5 News, UPN 9 News, Montel Williams Show, NY Times, NY Daily News and NY Post for their very successful and unprecedented litigation in high profile cases.

NOTEWORTHY CASES $4.25 Million Settlement for disc herniations with surgery. Defendants argued no tow, no ER, claimant returned to work, and surgery was not related to accident as claimed injuries were pre-existing. $2.76 Million Settlement for 63 year old man for degenerative neck and back injuries. Low impact/minor property damage accident. $2.5 Million Jury Verdict against MTA/NYC Transit, for a shoulder impingement (no tear) with arthroscopic surgery resulting from MVA, and disputed disc bulge. Defendant’s doctors testified there was nothing wrong. MTA’s initial offer was $2,500. Top offer was $125,000. 2nd highest verdict for a motor vehicle/case in 2011 Top NY Verdicts.

$2.45 Million Settlement for low-speed, minimal impact, disputed liability MVA. Client had nearly identical degenerative MRI findings prior to the accident. Defendants’ doctors disputed any causality necessity of any surgery/treatment, as client had returned to work after MVA, and resolved. Zurich previously had maintained a no-pay position.

$1.6 Million Jury Verdict for pedestrian involved in MVA with taxi. Defendants argued that plaintiff walked into side of the taxi. Jury awarded 100% liability against the Defendants. Plaintiff alleged a disc bulge and a shoulder tear. Defendants’ doctors argued that MRIs showed no injuries and that plaintiff had soft tissue injuries which had fully resolved. American Transit’s offer was $40,000.

$1.5 Million Settlement involving a rental car company in a one car accident, with only a minimum $25,000 policy. Most attorneys would settle for the $25,000. We successfully pursued the rental car company, who denied they were liable to pay anything additional, due to Graves Amendment.

$1.375 Million Jury Verdict for unemployed man in soft-tissue MVA, knee arthroscopy case with no damage, no ER, minimal treatment. Defendants’ doctors testified plaintiff’s examination and MRIs were normal with degeneration. Client had a prior injury and surgery to same body part. Allstate maintained no-pay position.

$1.3 Million Settlement, full policy tender, for 50 year old undocumented housekeeper in minimal impact MVA ($638 property damage), no injuries re- ported at scene, waited 1 month to see a doctor (while continuing to work), gaps in treatment, MRI showed bulging disc. USAA’s offer was $7,500, then $50,000 after surgery arguing it was unnecessary and unrelated.

$1 Million Settlement full policy limits, plus full �Medical-Payment� policy tender, for a disputed liability case involving a burned hand. Hospital records showed inconsistency in client’s version of accident. Client was working and defense liability doctor said she had made a good recovery.

$1 Million Settlement Policy limit obtained in Queens County settlement for 2 immigrants, Defendants argued that all injuries were degenerative and resolved.

$877,000 Jury Verdict 2 vehicle accident contested case with no complaints of pain at scene, no ER. Saw doctor 1 week later, with minimal treatment, then arthroscopic surgery 2 years later. Defendants’ doctor opined that he was not injured and had a prior accident with same injuries. State Farm’s offer was $30,000; State Farm paid more than double its policy limits.

$750,000 Settlement for bicyclist where 3 independent witnesses testified against him and blamed him completely. 80% liability obtained against driver. Injury was resolved finger fracture and shoulder arthroscopy.

$600,000 Jury Verdict for unemployed convicted felon. No complaints of pain at scene, no ER returned to physical work. Defendants’ experts opined that he was not injured. Defendants established Plaintiff lied on stand, that his initial doctor (prior to retaining our office) had been accused of misconduct, and employer testified he did heavy duty labor. Defense showed photos confirming minimal property damage, no cars towed. Original offer: $3,000; offer before trial: $125,000. Case tried against head partner of large defense firm.


$1.3 Million Jury Verdict for soft tissue, non-surgical herniated disc MVA, where Defendants denied liability, plaintiff had minimal treatment, no lost wages. Defendants’ doctors testified their exams were normal. Defendants argued he had the same injury from a prior MVA, which he failed to reveal to his doctors. State Farm valued case at $50,000.

$1.2 Million Jury Verdict for soft tissue, non-surgical herniated disc MVA case, Defendants denied liability. No lost wages and minimal treatment. Defendants’ doctors testified Plaintiff ’s exam and films were normal. Award was one of the highest ever for pain and suffering only for a single, nonsurgical disc. App. Div. sustained $700,000, one of the largest amounts sustained ever for such injury. NJ Manufacturers valued case at $7,500. 100K policy tender during trial rejected as untimely. Bad faith lawsuit successfully settled for amount significantly above policy limits.

$960,000 Judicial Award A 37-year-old driver with non-surgical bulging discs, minimal property damage.

$850,000 Jury Verdict for unemployed man in a soft tissue, nonsurgical disputed, degenerative herniated disc MVA case, minimal property damage, no ER, no lost wages. Plaintiff first sought care with a chiropractor 9 days later, with minimal treatment. American Transit valued case at $6,000.

$500,000 Settlement for non-surgical bulging and herniated disc. Defendant’s doctors stated Plaintiff’s exams were normal, that he was capable of working, his soft tissue injuries were degenerative, and resolved.

$425,000 Settlement in MVA where Defendants argued that Plaintiff sustained soft tissue injuries which had resolved, her medical exams were normal and she was working. Recovery was 30 times greater than that of another passenger in her vehicle, with similar injuries, but represented by another attorney.

$300,000 SUM Arbitration Award (full policy limits) in non-surgical herniated disc (contested), minimal property damage case, no complaints at scene, no ambulance, no lost wages, large unexplained gaps in treatment, and normal exams by insurance doctors. GEICO’s top offer was $7,500.


$900,000 Settlement in a case involving an employee injured on the job (ordinarily barred from suing the employer), wherein we successfully sued the tenant (a related corporate entity). St. Paul had a no-pay position.

$600,000 Settlement following liability jury verdict in disputed liability case, where client was injured while working. The landlord, denied any liability. Jury awarded 100% liability against landlord. Greater NY had no-pay position.

$450,000 Settlement for an employee who injured hand on the job (ordinarily barred from suing the employer), wherein we successfully sued employer’s related corporate entities. Zurich had a no-pay position.


$11 Million lawsuit against Madison Square Garden given goahead to proceed by Court in widely publicized case where fan was struck by a hockey puck at MSG. (Precedent-setting case in NY)

Appeals Court Triples Award for Plaintiff’s soft tissue injuries in a minor impact accident where Defendant disputed that Plaintiff suffered a causally related �serious injury.� Appellate Court added additional $300,000 to the verdict. The total recovered, with interest and costs, exceeded $550,000. GEICO originally valued the case at $7,500. Attorney Advertisement �Prior results do not guarantee similar outcome�

202 East 35th Street, New York, NY 10016
Tel: (212)344-3440 | www.osfirm.com