Table of contents for the November 21, 2005 issue of New York Magazine.

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Table of Contents

November 21, 2005 Issue

Cover Story

The New Monogamy

Dirty IMing with strangers, heavy flirting at clubs, lap dances, three-ways, four-ways, taking a bath with someone you met at a bar because your girlfriend is busy: As long as it’s negotiated in advance, there seems to be no limit to the amount of cheating that some couples will allow in the name of making a relationship last.

Mating: The Issue

Everything You Don't Want to Know About Your Kid’s Sex Life

We surveyed 100 kids about sexual activity and then asked 100 parents what they thought their kids were up to. And guess what? The answers don’t quite add up.

The Porn Hunter

Mark Rotenberg spends his days trolling through auction Websites, estate sales, and garbage bins for dirty pictures. It’s his job.

Is the World Ready for Libido in a Nasal Spray?

PT-141 is a lot like Viagra�except that it actually increases desire and not just blood flow and might help women as much as it does men. In other words, this is going to be a very popular drug.

The Vagina Dialogues

Five sex columnists kiss and tell.

Grizzly Men

Not every gay man aspires to muscles. In the wilds of the city, you will find a growing number of bears. And cubs. And otters. And wolves.


Judith Miller, Right-Wing Hero?

�I’m agnostic,� says conservative-blog kingpin.

Will Ferrer's Big Loss Cool Spitzer's Ardor for Ramirez?

Some rival Dems are smelling blood in the water for stalwart power player Roberto Ramirez.

Sirio Maccioni’s Grub: Condo Amenity For Peckish Millionaires

The marketing circus around Le Cirque has begun.

Canceled TV D.A. Leads Jury, Can’t Find her Mark

�The first couple of times I approached the grand jury, I was looking around for my mark,� Carlson says.

Jean Valjean Upper East Side Cantor

�Do you hear the people sing?�

It Happened Last Week

Democratic Party leaders absorbed the important lesson that, in a political campaign, money trumps salsa.

Do You Wanna Dance?

New York’s cabaret laws are challenged by an unlikely troupe of dance enthusiasts and civil-rights lawyers.

Capitalists . . .In. . .Spaaace!

Local tycoons sought for trip into orbit.

MySpace Invaders

What does your online profile say about your employability? Recent grads are finding out H.R. isn’t their friendster.

In Like Quinn?

Forget the mayoral election� it’s time for the race for city council speaker! Not that you get a vote.


Best Bets

A showgirl-style ostrich-and-pheasant-feather mask, plus magnetic paint, durable slippers, and more.

Ask a Shop Clerk

Oscar Adames of Saks Fifth Avenue denim department.

Shop News

Store openings this week.

Sales & Bargains
This week's hottest sales & bargains.

Look Book

A Ghanaian diplomat’s daughter who quit modeling for school.

Focus Group

What the kids are saying about new Fifth Avenue tenant Abercrombie & Fitch.

Restaurant Review

Cookshop serves deliciously homey American food in the middle of Chelsea.

In Season

An orange cauliflower recipe.

Restaurant Openings & Buzz

Week of Nov. 14, 2005: DuMont Burger, Chocolat Michel Cluizel, The Plant, and Anthony's.

Calculating Pie

The city’s top pies, classic and avant-garde divisions.

Holiday Helpers

Why not take the whole dysfunctional family out to eat this time, and blame the dry turkey on the professionals? A feast to fit any personality.

Bird Flights

If a restaurant Thanksgiving is too formal and cooking is out of the question, there’s always takeout.

The Devil You Say

The deviled egg�that old fifties-cocktail-party standby�has made a bite-size comeback.


The latest from Jackson Hole.

Real Estate

Market-rate rentals creep onto Roosevelt Island.

The Culture Pages

Turn On. Tune In. Take Over.

The future of TV is on-demand downloads and tiny screens. But will the shows be any better?

Movie Review

Great Reese Witherspoon and Joaquin Phoenix performances can’t redeem a mediocre script.

Beware the Undulating Curve of Shifting Expectations!

Oscar buzz works on a reverse sonic-boom principle: Your hear it (the buzz) before you see it (the movie).

Tv Review

The West Wing debate taught us how great the world might be without pundits.

The Poseidon Adventure Reviewed

As in the original, ingenuity matters more than acting, plus there are grenades and fins.

Watch This Instead

Try something completely different: documentaries that try to make telelvision an agency of the Enlightenment instead of a circle of hell.


Frank McCourt on the world’s toughest crowd: high schoolers.

Handicapping the National Book Awards

Publishing’s Oscars have traded last year’s obscurantism for a new affinity�historical novels about real people�and Norman Mailer is getting the lifetime-achievement award. The lineup, the backstory, and the likely outcome.

Theater Review

A crowd-pleasing Frankie Valli musical gives New Jersey the respect it so rarely receives.

Art Review

For all of Richard Tuttle’s confrontational modernness, his work is oddly warm.

The Approval Matrix

Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.

The Week

New on DVD

Movies new on DVD this week include: Sherman's March, Buffy the Vampire Slayer Collector's Set, Stealth, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Skeleton Key, and more.


The Power Grid

Are Rahm Emanuel and the Democrats going to blow their chance to reverse the Republican Revolution?


Letters to the Editor

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