March 12, 2007 Issue

Cover Story
Best of New York 2007
Every year we journey to the heart of New York’s endlessly expanding jungle of goods
and services. Choice-overload paralysis is stared down and defeated;
inferior brunch spots and nail salons are ruthlessly tossed aside; entire evenings
are bravely sacrificed in search of the best burlesque show. The result is this issue.
Best of: Eating| Shopping| Beauty| Services| Fun| Kids
The Time of Their Lives
Besieged by economic forces, John Huey and Richard Stengel are blowing up Time magazine in an all-out effort to save its life.
The Equation
The peculiar combination of laws and financial imperatives has given rise to a system in which juries are incidental spectators to a negotiation that just happens to take place in a courtroom.
Misunderstood Night Shyamalan
Believes history will judge Lady in the Water �beautiful.�
Spitzer Jackpot for GOP Cronies
Al’s pals in the chips.
Nipple Tint Goes Mass
Benefit touts Benetint as nipple paint.
Bill Jorgensen, Mad As Hell
And unimpressed with Katie.
Sachs Sacks White House Run
Bono’s buddy undraftable.
It Happened Last Week
Scorsesesque plot twists abounded this week.
XOXO, Anna
Thank-you notes (mostly for free stuff) to Helmut Lang from his famous friends become his art project.
Simon Cowell Ate My School
My beloved alma mater is an American Idol camp. Does anybody care but me?
Mutt Science
The days of breed-guessing at the dog park are over. But will a new dog DNA test rock the world of high-priced purebreds?
Why Foreigners Should Love NY
An advance look at the city's latest multicultural ad campaigns (translated into English).
A random survey of partyers at the Annex on the Lower East Side.
Best Bets
Hardware experts recommend the right tools for a New York apartment.
Look Book
A self-described �muse� whose outfits �emanate love and pizzazz.�
When men take parenting equality too far.
Real Estate
Generations clash at formerly austere co-ops.
Scarlett Johansson makes time to shop for penthouses in Chelsea and Tribeca.
Fame Slept Here
Who knew Alec Baldwin�he of the pugilistic reputation and the bombastic TV alter ego�would live in such a cozy, homey place?
The Culture Pages
The White-Castle Ceiling
Kal Penn, occupant of the peculiar �dark-skinned frat comedian� niche, branches out.
The Movie Review
A response to 9/11 in the guise of a Korean monster movie (it works!).
Unmasked Avenger: Frank Miller
Frank Miller on the adaptation of 300.
The Book Review
In Kurt Andersen's Heyday, we find ourselves in a past that can’t stop hurtling toward modernity.
The Theater Review
A faithful and engrossing revival of Journey’s End.
Broadway’s New Teen Heroes
Getting to know the cast of Spring Awakening.
Suburban Warfare
As the patriarch of a con-artist clan, Eddie Izzard leads an entertaining send-up of suburban class war that’s too dark to qualify as �funny�.
Life Support
HBO's Life Support stars Queen Latifah as an AIDS activist.
Kings of South Beach
Not even the considerable writing, directing, and acting talents can make Kings of South Beach seem altogether fresh.
Playing the Slots: Thursday Night
Thursday nights used to be simple. This season, though, the night’s become a ratings battleground.
The Approval Matrix: Week of March 12, 2007
Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.
The Bottom Line
In a sluggish economy, turn your investing eye toward companies whose products are always in demand�like biotech developers of miracle drugs.
The Week
The Next Movement
Little Orchestra Society keeps up.
Letters to the Editor
Readers sound off on Rudy Giuliani, Britney Spears, Arcade Fire, and more.
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