January 21, 2008 Issue

Cover Story
Peace and Quiet
New York isn’t exactly the first city that springs to mind as the place to find peace and quiet. But you can find literal and metaphorical silence without leaving the cacophonous city. What's it's like to be a single-person religious order; a roster of serene locales; relaxation tips from some of the most stressed-out workers; the benefits and absurdities of chanting; and more.
Lord of These Things
Does sensible technocrat Jeff Bewkes have the solution for Time Warner’s problems?
The Liman Identity
Before he was the Bourne director, Doug Liman was the son of a New York legend.
Hollywood’s Gotta Sundance!
Writers’ strike has moguls tripping the light desperate.
Naked, Dead & Back to the Big Screen
Mailer-Kerry ’08!
Thoroughly Modern Kathy?
If Lowry goes to the Met�
Boykin’s Got a Builder for Artsy Xanadu
Loves the playas.
Murder Most Owl in Central Park
Poisoned. Rats!
It Happened Last Week
A resurgent Hillary Clinton wasn’t the only one who felt like having a good cry last week.
The Aristocrat
Philippe de Montebello’s triumph of strategic snobbery.
The Power of Zhlub
Goose Gossage is a regular guy who did one thing well.
Not-So-E-Z Pass
New Jersey and you: Pricey together.
Back to the Front
John McCain isn’t any good at being a front-runner, but the mainstream GOP may�finally�need him.
The Bad-Mommy Brigade
Britney goes to the psych ward, and mothers everywhere secretly rejoice.
Floral Excess
Suddenly, solid colors don’t seem so exciting, do they?
This Belt Is $18,000
The annals of excess.
inca Opens on Lexington Avenue
Where bikinis and cover-ups are year-round essentials.
Nazgol Jahan, Jewelry Specialist
"My family are jewelers, so I grew up in that world."
Restaurant Review
A West Village anti�wine bar breaks away from the panini pack.
In Season Recipe
In the depths of winter, citrus fruits are more than just a ray of sunshine�they’re a godsend.
Insatiable Critic
If there is cachet in having an entrance the average Mensa candidate can’t find, Dovetail has it.
Restaurant Openings
Persephone and Greene Grape Provisions.
Harlem’s Other Half
East Harlem’s pricing catches up with the rest of upper Manhattan’s.
David Mamet’s Election Season
The playwright on Hillary, corruption, and our democracy’s saving grace.
The Movie Review
4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days looks back in anger at Romania’s dead-soul past.
Three Questions for Jess Weixler
Star of Mitchell Lichtenstein’s Teeth.
Park City, New York
A selective sampling of the New Yorkers barnstorming the festival this year.
How I Made It: Michel Gondry
At Sundance, aspiring auteurs will swarm the ceaselessly inventive director Michel Gondry.
The Theater Review
The Little Mermaid is such a splashy bore, you’ve got to wonder: Was The Lion King just a fluke?
How �The 39 Steps’ Went From Tense British Thriller to Broadway Comedy
The journey of John Buchan's novel to the screen and the stage.
Is This Book Worth Getting?
A no-frills guide to new books by writers who’ve won big awards in the past.
J’accuser: Lee Siegel
It’s been more than a year since Lee Siegel was temporarily suspended from The New Republic.
High Schools These Days
The broke chemistry teacher in Breaking Bad turns out to be pretty handy in a meth lab.
The Approval Matrix: Week of January 21, 2008
Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.
The Fab Four Times Three
An all-Beatles day.
Comments: January 21, 2008
Readers sound off on "Rich Kid Syndrome," sex offenders, and more.
Artifact: Made in America
Findings from the streets, files, and hard drives of New York.
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