February 25, 2008 Issue

Cover Story
Lindsay Lohan as Marilyn Monroe in "The Last Sitting"
In 1962, photographer Bert Stern shot a series of photos of Marilyn Monroe that have collectively come to be known as �The Last Sitting.� Forty-six years later, Stern has revisited his classic shots with Lindsay Lohan, another actress whose prodigious fame is not quite commensurate with her professional achievements.
Spring Fashion
The Technicolor Season
Why is it worth organizing our Spring Fashion issue around the seemingly very basic idea of color?
Just a Dash
Dandies, both of them: our cover model, André Benjamin, and Sir Paul Smith, our profile subject.
One Is the Loveliest Color
Commitment? Art project? OCD? Five New Yorkers who wear only one color all day, every day (and it’s not black).
The Anti-Anna
French Vogue editor Carine Roitfeld is full of respect for the editors on the other side of the Atlantic. But all that money and success are so . . . American.
All I Want Is Foundation That Matches
Too light. Too red. Nothing at all. Playing at the beauty counter is depressing when your skin color is out of the range.
A Shiny New Gucci
Is luxury really impervious to a nervous market? Gucci’s mammoth new midtown store assumes the appetite for designer goods is undiminished.
The Dandy’s Progress
André Benjamin has already nailed a few careers (musician, actor), but what he’d really like to do is impress Beau Brummell with his new clothing line.
Green Socks, Pink Pants
In a world of muted men, designer Paul Smith’s mission is to cure the chromophobic.
Tripping Through the Garden
This spring, as long as it’s got petals it’s in season.
Nothing shy about these baubles.
Hot Little Numbers
These dresses don’t need a party. They are the party.
Float Like a Butterfly
...waft like a bee. Nature only wishes it could come up with breezes this beautiful.
Not Colors From Nature
Makeup artist Linda Mason has been a neon champion since the eighties.
Dress Descending a Staircase
For spring, artwork came off the walls and onto the human form.
Run, Jump, Leap, Fly
The kinetic male cast of Fuerzabruta dashes its way through spring’s color wheel.
Hanging out, eating, some lounging, and multiple outfit changes.
(Untitled Heath Ledger Project)
In which the protagonist dies mysteriously, and the audience analyzes his final days for clues to his real character.
Is Demography Destiny?
Only, as it turns out in this election, in three (more or less) hard-and-fast cases.
The Meme Prisoner
In the press, Hillary has been trapped by her own story, whereas Obama has been freed by his.
Vance’s Chance to Succeed Morgy?
Onetime deputy D.A. files to run for Big Bob’s job.
Post-Strike Jitters Grip �30 Rock’
They were Guild good!
Art Market in for Early-’90s-Style Bust?
Boone sees a boon.
Prêt-à-Portman’s Cruelty-Free Shoes
Save animals, not planet.
�Persepolis’ Vote Goes to Obama
Or any Democrat, really.
Ricki’s Babies Destined For Fame!
But she isn’t pushing them.
Impotent ’Roid Rage
Why Rocket hearings didn’t take off.
Sliding Down-Hill
Who falls if Senator Clinton fails?
Scandal on Sneaker Row
Lower Broadway shoe-and-jeans crowd not surprised by shady-wage charges.
Dive Alive
How did Sophie’s survive?
Think of Them As Sprinkles
If this season's fashion intimidates, add color one bit at a time.
The Look Book
"It’s a matter of layering both color and texture. When you’ve been a cat for a long time, you know texture."
The Restaurant Review
Bar Boulud is a rare misstep in Daniel Boulud’s carefully curated empire.
In Season
California’s exotic citrus makes its way east when we most crave it, in the midst of midwinter doldrums.
Insatiable Critic
In no time at all we zoom over the Williamsburg Bridge to the charmingly rustic Fiore.
Restaurant Openings
Week of February 25, 2008: Olana and Elettaria.
The Frankensteak
Real, honest-to-goodness dry-aged beef doesn’t grow on trees.
The Rise of the Boutique Bottle Shop
Red and white are no longer the main considerations in New York wine shopping.
In the Shadow of No Towers
There are good reasons to live next to ground zero. But the neighborhood’s not for everyone.
Return of the Ingénue
k.d. lang plays coy about her own iconography.
The Art Review
�Jasper Johns: Gray� shows off an imagination that works in non-imaginative ways.
The Movie Review
Jumper and Be Kind Rewind dive headlong into our headspace.
The Undulating Curve Prepares Its Acceptance Speech!
Are there any underdogs left for us to love anymore?
Pop Mechanic
The closet-romantic street cinema of Ramin Bahrani.
The TV Review
Phylicia Rashad and Sean Combs do what it takes to leave Chicago’s South Side.
Put Me In, Coach!
Gaius Charles is in an unfamiliar position�benchwarmer.
The Approval Matrix: Week of February 25, 2008
Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.
Big-Top Workout
Clowns and acrobats get kids moving.
Comments: February 25, 2008
Readers sound off on Chantix, Seth Tobias, and more.
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