August 11, 2008 Issue

Cover Story
The bodies are still by Giacometti. But thanks to new science and the desire of older women to look like babies, the �million-�dollar mugs
are now by Rubens.
On the Cover: Photograph by Dimitrios Kambouris/WireImage
What Do Crack Cocaine and Journalism Have in Common?
How nice-guy reporter David Carr, investigator of crackhead womanizer David Carr, has changed�and how, more seriously, he hasn’t.
The Farmer as Cult Hero
Amy Hepworth, who eats maggots and grows Shiros, and whose upstate farm makes highly anticipated regular deliveries to the Park Slope Food Coop, has attracted a foodie fan base as passionate as the top New York chefs’.
American Girl
The life of a young Arab in Brooklyn was pretty much normal�until being thrown in jail with her family after 9/11 changed her idea of what it means to live here.
The Low-Road Warrior
Mudslinging will damage McCain’s brand�but it may be the only way he can win.
Bashir Blunders Addressing �Asian Babes’
In 20/20 hindsight �
Fashion Fist Bump! �Bazaar’ Tribute
Tyra plays dress-up.
East Village Carrie Bradshaw?
House shopping.
Andrew Giuliani’s Legal Mulligan
Par for the course.
Gov. Paterson Is Finally A-list
But can’t stay in Hamptons.
Middle-Class Move for Maccioni
Le Cirque, for less!
It Happened Last Week
New Yorkers quaked as Governor �Paterson delivered a nerve-racking budget speech.
David Paterson vs. the Seventies
The fiscal crisis requires something our governor hasn’t had to show yet: disciplined leadership.
Eurotrash at the Hedgerows
How the Euro became legal tender on the East End.
Special Olympicks
Why carry the torch just for Americans? A special-interest fan’s guide to athletes to watch.
How I Got Caught Not Kidnapping Reigh Boss
Tabloid frenzy fuels city’s �If you see something, say something� culture.
No Honking, No Fumes
Come August’s car-free Saturdays, this stretch of street will be one big sidewalk.
Business Plan? What Business Plan?
The slow, random, party-fueled growth of an East Williamsburg empire.
The Look Book
"I’ve been wearing suspenders since I graduated from law school. They just seemed to suit me."
The Underground Gourmet
A stellar example of New Brooklyn Cuisine.
In Season
Parsley, the perennial garnish, gets to shine in tabbouleh.
Restaurant Openings
Week of August 11, 2008: Opus and Allegretti.
Insatiable Critic
Michael White and partner Chris Cannon bolted the door at L’Impero for two weeks and invented Convivio.
Hot Salami
’Nduja, a devilishly hot sausage paste of sorts, seems perfect for these nose-to-tail times.
Trendlet: Cream in Your Coffee?
Whether you call it a drink or a dessert, the affogato al caffè is a summer staple in Italy and, increasingly, in New York.
The New Gelato in Town
Capogiro gelato has been making recent inroads onto the dessert menus of some of New York’s most popular restaurants.
Big Fakers
The best of the new stuff, where and how to buy vintage, and why a �fake� necklace costs $500.
Distraction Pricing
Why put an over-the-top number on an apartment? Sometimes it works.
Milo’s Musical Education
Can you teach your kid to have taste?
Nordic Charm
Lykke Li used to pretend she was a Swedish pop star. Now she is one.
The Movie Review
Pineapple Express will make you laugh. But so does most pot.
Puff Piece
James Franco’s not the first actor to invigorate his career by playing a stoner.
No More Masks
To play a sex-crazed professor, Ben Kingsley looked no further than himself.
The Book Review
How James Wood’s How Fiction Works works. And why it sometimes doesn’t.
The Approval Matrix: Week of August 11, 2008
Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.
Yo What?
The Yo-Yo Open isn’t just Walking the Dog.
You Can Go (to) Home Again
This week, after a four-month renovation, Home reopens with the same homespun American menu.
Comments: Week of August 11, 2008
Readers sound off on Jimmy Carter, The Dark Knight, and more.
Artifact: Big Tights To Fill
Findings from the streets, files, and hard drives of New York.
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