March 9, 2009 Issue

Cover Story
Best of New York 2009
Our annual guide to the city’s worthiest achievements in food, stuff, free-time diversions, home fixes, kid things, and ways to look and feel better. If you’ve ever tried to find boxer-briefs for less than $5, sought the gooiest dessert in the city, or wanted the authoritative answer to where to get your needs and desires met, solutions await inside.
On the Cover: Art by KAWS for New York Magazine. Copyright KAWS 2009. Courtesy of Gering & López Gallery, New York.
The Most Powerless Powerful Man on Wall Street
How Citi CEO Vikram Pandit finally reached the top� just in time to see the financial system, Citigroup, and all his dreams come crashing down.
God & Worshipper: A Rock-and-Roll Love Story, of Sorts
The complex bond between the Mountain Goats’ John Darnielle and his sensitive fans.
Plastic People
One hundred spenders surveyed in Union Square.
Can Timothy Dolan solve the looming crises of the New York church?
Arte Povera
Why recession isn’t good for art.
The Neighborhood News
Our roundup of news from around the city.
Obama and the new age of candor.
Time Runs Out
The Sports Museum of America closed last week after months of financial struggle.
64 Minutes With Laurie Anderson and Lou Reed
Leading the charge against City Hall’s massive garbage-truck plan.
The Stiles Ultimatum
Julia Stiles took her school-reform ideas directly to chancellor Joel Klein.
Back and Forth
Sarah Horne talked to the Today show co-hosts Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb.
Met Borrows Against Lobby Chagalls
The Metropolitan Opera has collateralized the giant Chagalls in its lobby.
Heron Preston
A 25-year-old marketing strategist intent on cataloguing scenesters around the world.
Eliot’s Problem Child
When Governor Spitzer resigned a year ago, he left a bloated budget�and, worse, a successor who hasn’t proved he’s up to the job.
Patrick Wilson, Superstar
Thanks to sex and a comic book (Watchmen), the actor is about to blow up.
Making the Watchmen’s New York.
A Land of Geeks and Goblins
Some notable comic-book locations.
The Canon
Top comic-book minds pick New York’s finest.
Graphic Imagination
Alex Robinson is a classic New York funny-book fan.
The Movie Review
Zack Snyder’s Watchmen is as faithful an adaptation as a fanboy could want.
The Art Review
MoMA’s Martin Kippenberger retrospective takes him back from the academics.
Influences: Angela Lansbury
The Broadway legend spoke to Katie Charles about her London childhood.
John Cullum on How to Lead a Double Life
He’s doing two shows at once, playing the dad in August: Osage County and an old veteran in Heroes.
Brooklyn Twang
The Defibulators make country music without irony. Or do they?
Subway Stories
John Wray makes literary failure look like fun. Let’s see what he can do with success.
The TV Review
Starz gets into the sitcom biz with two takes on L.A. self-loathing.
New Old New York
Over its seven-decade existence, Minetta Tavern has attracted fighters, Beat writers, and curious tourists.
Comments: Week of March 9, 2009
Readers write songs about Bernie Madoff and sound off on Bob Kerrey.
The Approval Matrix: Week of March 9, 2009
Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.
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