May 17, 2010 Issue

Cover Story
Hey LeBron, Welcome to New York
Making the case�with the help of Derek Jeter, Martha Stewart, the fans
at Rucker Park, and a lot of pastrami�that the world’s best basketball
player has no choice when he becomes a free agent this summer but to leave Cleveland and save the New York Knicks.
By Ira Boudway and Will Leitch
On the Cover: Photo-illustration
by Darrow.
Immigrant Number One
In 1892, she was the first foreigner to arrive at Ellis Island. By 1893, she was an American mystery.
Seemingly out of nowhere, their cheap, skinny rainbow-colored basics became a kind of New York uniform. Just how did the Japanese discount brand become the hottest retailer in the city?
Bomb Problems
The failed attack on Times Square was a reminder that terrorists can build deadly bombs in their tri-state-area homes.
The Siege We Live With
Get ready for another round of unsettling changes you won’t even notice six months from now.
Katy Power
Batteries included.
The Neighborhood News
Our roundup of news from around the city.
What We Built (and Didn’t)
Bloomberg’s surprisingly unchanged city.
Soap Star
Chuck Palahniuk, dude novelist, gets campy.
62 Minutes With Charlotte Gainsbourg
Born to fame, the singer, actress, and fashion muse is just glad to see her kids again, at last.
Oil-Spill Fusion
The gulf disaster may derail Obama’s climate bargain�but there may be a radioactive way to put it back together.
The Best Bet
Stand-up paddleboarding classes, how the Nordstrom Rack stacks up against the competition, and more.
The Look Book
"If you’re thinking of age as a countdown to the casket, that’s not healthy."
Eyes Up Here!
Are New Yorkers growing taller, or are their shorts getting shorter?
The Restaurant Review
The trendsetting restaurateur’s much-anticipated new venture doesn’t deliver.
In Season Recipe
Spring’s most celebrated leaf stem has breezed into town with a pink-streaked flourish.
Restaurant Openings
Week of May 17, 2010: River Deli.
The Return of the Humm Dog
Chef Humm has unleashed something on EMP’s bar menu called the Petite Hot Dog.
How About a Nice Gowanus Roast?
�Espresso wasn’t invented in Seattle,� says Mitchel Margulis, and he would know.
A Townhouse Goes Hothouse
Carpet designer Malene Barnett remakes a traditional Queen Anne in Bed-Stuy into something more exotic.
No Lease Too Large
Against all odds, the top end of the rental market is soaring. Blame the inventory crunch.
The Return of Martin Amis
A sexy novel about sex�and sex alone�has reenergized him.
The Movie Review
But also some very cute babies.
La Révolution
A new documentary recalls the moment, 50 years ago, when Breathless blew up.
Going the Way of All Flesh
Art replaces meat at Gavin Brown.
The Classical Music Review
Valery Gergiev digs into Stravinsky�the most international of composers�to find his Russian roots.
Three critics with different musical tastes offer competing takes on noteworthy recent albums.
The Bender
The Manhattan Cocktail Classic kicks off with an opening-night gala at the New York Public Library.
Comments: Week of May 17, 2010
Readers sound off on bedbugs, Jean Nouvel’s Tower Verre, and more.
The Approval Matrix: Week of May 17, 2010
Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.
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