February 14, 2011 Issue

Cover Story
�Just Smile�
Schools chancellor Cathie Black wasn’t hired to be a visionary, she
was hired to be a saleswoman for Bloomberg-style reform. And
while her customers (all the people bruised by said reform) are quite hostile,
for the moment she’s her own biggest problem. By Chris Smith
On the Cover: Photograph by
Jeff Riedel for New York Magazine.
The Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Wellbutrin, Celexa, Effexor, Valium, Klonopin, Ativan, Restoril, Xanax, Adderall, Ritalin, Haldol, Risperdal, Seroquel, Ambien, Lunesta, Elavil, Trazodone War
As it approaches its tenth year, our nation’s longest war is showing signs of waning. Meanwhile, our soldiers are falling apart.
The Curious Case of Joseph and Nicholas Brooks
Joe, father, won an Oscar for composing �You Light Up My Life.� Now he faces 127 counts of sexual misconduct, including rape. Nick, son, allegedly killed his girlfriend in Soho House.
Mean Streets
Choosing a taxi model that stands up as well as the discontinued Crown Vic.
The War on Pizza
The federal food police single out the sacred slice�and pick a smart fight.
Texting While Birthing
The biological case for live updates from the delivery room.
The Neighborhood News
Our roundup of news from around the city.
Gay-Fearing Righties Swing, Miss
Big boycott flops.
151 Minutes With J.C. Davies
Eating ribs and discussing stereotypes with the ex�Wall Street analyst.
Obama’s handling of the Egyptian uprising reveals that in foreign policy, too, he is a pragmatic centrist to the core.
Best Bets
A sleek kiddie vehicle, APC's new West Village shop, and more.
The Look Book
"When I’m onstage, I go from this shy little girl to this wild woman who can eat people alive."
The Everything Guide to Harlem
Harlem is, once again, in full Renaissance mode.
The Ballad of Conor Oberst
�Anytime you think you really know something, you’re going to find out you’re wrong.�
The Pop Music Review
Britain’s James Blake made esoteric electronic music, when all he really wanted to do was sing.
Pyramid Scheme
Bjarke Ingels reinvents the New York apartment building.
Blogger With a Quill
Oscar nominee Geoffrey Rush moves from a king’s speech to a madman’s diary.
The Movie Review
Poetry reaches for solemn, cliché-free uplift; Cedar Rapids, for better oral-sex jokes.
The Classical Music Review
Nixon in China, like Nixon himself, does best when Mao is around.
Fat Monday
An $85 prix-fixe menu will be served at this Mardi Gras-themed pop-up at Locanda Verde.
Comments: Week of February 14, 2011
Readers sound off on porn, the sexual socialization of preteen women, and more.
The Approval Matrix: Week of February 14, 2011
Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.
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