March 14, 2011 Issue

Cover Story
Best of New York 2011
Here’s the challenge in assembling our annual �Best of New York� issue: You have to eat a lot, shop a lot, dance a lot; you have to find clever ways to pry secrets out of strangers, and to shake down your friends, lovers, mothers, colleagues, and assorted gossip �hounds and bargain mavens for fresh intel. Then, just when you’ve picked a winner, the city has a pesky habit of turning out a better restaurant, shop, bar, salon, diaper service, and jewelry repairer. We’re telling you, our burden is positively Sisyphean!
On the Cover: Design by Keenan for New York Magazine.
Latter-Day Saints
For South Park's Trey Parker and Matt Stone, a Broadway musical about Mormons may just be their highest artistic achievement yet.
The Sleeping Cure
I’d seen four shrinks in my life, and they’d all dozed off mid-session. Was it them—or me? I went back to find out.
Peter King's Muslim Problem
The New York congressman says the threat of homegrown terrorism is on the rise and American Muslims aren’t doing enough to stop it. His opponents say he’s on a witch hunt.
Someone Like You
New dating site believes it knows what we really want in a partner.
Dressing Younger
High fashion has a new muse. And she is going to need someone to give her a ride home.
Advanced Home Ec.
Smart-set power couple talks cost-benefit analysis, sex.
The Neighborhood News
Our roundup of news from around the city.
The Snooki Standard
A timelier measure of political worthiness.
Close-up: Useful Vermin
The modified medical mice of an esteemed but oft-overlooked New York institution.
81 Minutes With Mike Tyson
The erstwhile ear nibbler turned Animal Planet star visits one of his many pigeon coops.
Cashman's Burden
Being the general manager of the Yankees is his dream job. So why does he seem to want out?
Straight Man
Robin Williams speed-dials his first Broadway role.
Bill Cunningham, Before
A charming documentary reveals his fashion roots.
Through a Glass Darkly
After her dragon-slaying Alice, Mia Wasikowska goes goth as Jane Eyre.
The Movie Review
Win Win's heavyhearted comedy is near perfect, but the cast is flawless.
The Theater Review
The bad choices of David Lindsay-Abaire’s Good People.
A Drug Called Charlie Sheen
The star of Two and a Half Men is on it, perhaps fatally so. And, for a moment, so were we.
Extraordinary Mundanity
A Maira Kalman retrospective celebrates her joyful curiosity about … everything!
The South Rises Again
It’s been more than a year since Williamsburgers have had a taste of Texas toast.
Comments: Week of March 14, 2011
Readers sound off on Bernie Madoff, Karl Rove, and more.
The Approval Matrix: Week of March 14, 2011
Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.
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