May 9, 2011 Issue

Cover Story
Home Design Spring 2011: Extreme Décor
Interior ideas taken to all-encompassing extremes: Artist Olekk
crochets cozies for an entire apartment, down to the kitchen sin;
an ephemeral Chelsea tape-and-paint spiderweb; in a Brooklyn
rowhouse, a riot of colorful, textural wallpapers cover every surface;
Amy Sedaris gives a tour through her eclectic, creepy (her words)
dollhouse; in David Biscaye’s studio-cum-showroom, everything
can go; and a Versailles-by-the-sea in Queens.
On the Cover: The painted canvas bedroom of Sylvia Heisel and Scott Taylor, created with interior designer Doug Meyer. Photograph by Dean Kaufman for New York Magazine.
Our Lady of Malawi
Kabbalah teaches that only giving will bring a soul out of the darkness. So Madonna planned a splendid gift for an impoverished African nation. Somebody turn on the light.
The University Has No Clothes
The notion that a college degree is essentially worthless has become one of the year’s most fashionable ideas, with two prominent venture capitalists (Cornell ’89 and Stanford ’89, by the way) leading the charge.
Would Any of These Guys Buy Jimmy Hoffa a Drink?
Sandy Pope was the daughter of an investment banker. She quit school and became a trucker. Now she wants to run the Teamsters. And make unions thrive again. Ambitious.
They’re Heeeeeeere
According to a report just released by the USDA, New York State is under attack from nonnative wild boars.
When the Broken Window Is a Cop
The NYPD is finding that �pretextual� enforcement is less fun on the receiving end.
Debt-Scold Dynasty
Dursts tend legacy, solemnly.
The Neighborhood News
Our roundup of news from around the city.
Righteous Elbows
In state’s gay-marriage push, the limits to playing nice.
86 Minutes With Gavin Newsom
No, the lieutenant governor of California would not like a glass of wine.
Home Run, Selig!
Contrary to his hapless image, baseball’s chief is the most effective commissioner in sports.
Best Bets
Jewelry makers’ new favorite metal, the Coney Island Boardwalk reincarnated, and more.
The Look Book
�My husband is in the fashion industry.�
The Restaurant Review
Spasso takes a page straight from the nouveau-rustico textbook.
In Season
The asparagus stalks start to emerge once temperatures reach 50 degrees.
Wild About Panda Bear
Actor Oliver Platt plays music geek, interviewing Animal Collective’s Noah Lennox.
The Theater Review
The biblical anger of the Normal Heart brilliantly endures.
The Book Review
Cristina Nehring on the end-of-life memoir.
Impressive Proportions
Louise Lawler photographs great art�then treats it like taffy.
The Movie Review
Mel Gibson gets upstaged by a puppet in The Beaver.
The Classical Music Review
Riccardo Muti and James Levine remind us why opera conductors matter.
Why Poly Styrene’s Voice Was Anything But Disposable
The punk singer created a fierce style for female vocalists.
Chang Reveals Plans for Old Milk Bar Space
An all-duck lunch menu and full bar.
Comments: Week of May 9, 2011
Readers sound off on Paul Krugman, Brian Williams, and more.
The Approval Matrix: Week of May 9, 2011
Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.
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