December 12, 2011 Issue

Cover Story
The Year in Culture
Our critics size up the past twelve months in the arts, high and low, sublime and less sublime, with top-ten lists and polemics on Movies, Theater, Television, Pop, Books, Art, and Classical Music. Plus: Ninety-seven of New York’s savviest culture consumers weigh in on 2011’s most memorable tear-jerkers, teen idols, and tweets.
On the Cover: Photo-illustration by Wes Duvall for New York Magazine.
A Monster Among the 'Frum'
The faithful of Borough Park have a saying: �We are all of one face.� The life of Levi Aron, the outcast awaiting trial for the murder of 8-year-old Leiby Kletzky, suggests otherwise. By Matthew Shaer
A Bronx Science Experiment
When principal Valerie Reidy turned the city’s legendary high school into a laboratory, her reforms nearly blew the place up. By Robert Kolker
Tote Overload
Ecoactivists are worried about surplus sacks winding up in landfills.
Luck Be Those Ladies
Sex and gambling at the Queens racino.
Web Spinners
Internet giants’ political edge.
The Neighborhood News
Our roundup of news from around the city.
The Stoner Starlet
Pot behooves the pop musician.
64 Minutes With Niall Ferguson
A tour of the history of world civilization with the historian provocateur.
Newt’s Border Crawl
The new front-runner’s immigration stance is an obstacle to the nomination.
Best Bets
A sliding menorah, an origami store, and more.
The Look Book
�We met at one of my parties when I used to live across the river in New Jersey.�
Angora Sweaters
Prepare your lint-roller: The season’s knits have gone crazy fuzzy.
The Restaurant Review
Lion owner and former Graydon Carter�joint chef John DeLucie heads north.
In Season
While walnuts are available year-round, they’re actually harvested in autumn
Season’s Eatings
Foodie gifts to satisfy every holiday appetite.
On Your Feet, Mister
After West Side doormen are barred from sitting down on the job, tenants offer a seat.
What to Eat at King
Francis Derby’s new King Street castle.
Comments: Week of December 12, 2011
Readers sound off on Occupy Wall Street, Victoria’s Secret models, and more.
The Approval Matrix: Week of December 12, 2011
Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.
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