February 4, 2013 Issue

Cover Story
Madam Would-Be Mayor
Christine Quinn is the leading candidate to take over
City Hall, with the tacit support of its current tenant. How different
from Bloomberg would the outspoken, bawdy,
cautiously pragmatic City Council speaker be? Just listen
to her laugh, for starters. By Jonathan Van Meter
On the Cover:
Christine Quinn. Photograph by Ruven Afanador for New
York Magazine. Styling by Freddie Leiba at Bryan Bantry; Hair by David Milligan; Makeup by Frances Hathaway for Make Up Forever and Yonka at Jump; Manicure by Sue Nam at Artists by Timothy Priano.
Falling Down
Earthquakes, shipworms, shards of concrete raining into the Hudson. Planning a trip over the Tappan Zee Bridge? Maybe read this first. By Andrew Rice
In Conversation: Steven Soderbergh
The 50-year-old director is saying good-bye to Hollywood, quitting film for the small screen and painting. He discusses how kids are ruining the movie business, getting the best out of Jennifer Lopez, and one of the things Americans are still really good at: cat food. By Mary Kaye Schilling
The Foreign-Adoption Squeeze
The new Russian ban on adoptions by U.S. citizens further shrank the supply of foreign adoptees.
Gay-Marriage Strategists Plot PsyOps
The inevitability campaign.
Who’s Afraid to Sit Through This Play Stone Sober?
Woolf by the glass.
The Neighborhood News
Our roundup of news from around the city.
Yuletide Dunes
Do-it-yourself hurricane protection.
43 Minutes With Tim Geithner
A visit to Wall Street with its most hated antagonist. Or is he its most loyal soldier?
Break Up the Nets!
Sometimes a coaching change is all you need. Until you need the next one.
Best Bets
A cake server, a sleeping bag, and more new stuff in stores.
The Look Book
�I’ve had a beard since 1968. Debra, my girlfriend, says that as soon as I die, she’s going to have it shaved off.�
The Restaurant Review
The celebrated chef Daniel Humm reinvents Eleven Madison Park�again.
In Season
Parsley root makes a first-rate foundation for a clever, winterized tabbouleh.
Restaurant Opening
First look at Harvist, opening this week at My Images Studios.
Restaurant Opening
First look at Pho 66, Greg Hugunin's Thai joint opening in Hell's Kitchen.
Restaurant Opening
Uri Scheft opens the first American outpost of Breads Bakery in Union Square.
Restaurant Opening
Andrew Tarlow opens Achilles Heel in Greenpoint.
The Other, Other White Meat
Cauliflower makes a move to the center of the plate.
The Smarter Apartment
How to live in the home of the future, right now.
The Urbanist’s Hong Kong
Secret shops, island charcuterie, and tycoon dowries.
Park City Recreation
Hollywood takes a working vacation to Sundance.
Best in Show
Ten great performances from the Sundance Film Festival.
The Movie Reviews
Leaders of Israel’s secret service open up, sort of, in The Gatekeepers.
The Last �Girlie Show’
30 Rock had it both ways, all the way to the end.
The Ten Best 30 Rock Episodes Ever
To further celebrate its passing, Matt Zoller Seitz has picked his favorite episodes of the show’s run.
The Art Review
Matisse: In Search of True Painting is intoxicating. Possibly even a little bit dangerous.
Chili Bowl Sunday
Sullivan St Bakery's Jim Lahey tries his hand at Super Bowl Sunday chili takeout.
Comments: Week of February 4, 2013
Readers sound off on high school, Larry Gagosian, and more.
The Approval Matrix: Week of February 4, 2013
Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.
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