Table of Contents -- April 1, 2013 Issue of New York Magazine

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Table of Contents

April 1, 2013 Issue

Cover Story

Long Night at Today

After Ann Curry’s tearful on-air exit, the fortunes of NBC’s Today, and its host Matt Lauer, fell�fast. Inside the corporate drama that everyone in morning television is watching as closely as their Q ratings. By Joe Hagan
On the Cover: Matt Lauer. Photograph by Ruven Afanador.


My Week As Robert Moses, With Oil Wells

What happens when an architecture critic and his 15-year-old son become co-mayors in the addictive world of SimCity? An exercise in the impact (and pitfalls) or urban planning, whether real or virtual. By Justin Davidson


Young lovers Aaron Greene and Morgan Gliedman suffered from more than a lack of direction. With a weapons fetish (his), a heroin habit (theirs), and a baby on the way (ditto), perhaps it was only a matter of time before the police came knocking at their Greenwich Village door. By Robert Kolker


Jim McGreevey Needs Your Approval

The former New Jersey governor has rededicated himself to Christ�and to people-pleasing.

’Toons of Industry

CEO’s get the superhero treatment in comic books by Bluewater Productions.

The Divergent Values of Celebrities’ Kickstarter Come-ons

Dan Harmon wants your money.

57 Minutes With Amy Schumer

The breakout stand-up talks dirty while sipping her afternoon tea.

The Neighborhood News

Our roundup of news from around the city.

What’s Hebrew for �Playmate’?

Playboy magazine launches Hebrew language edition.


Why the Bombers Won’t Bomb

Despite their unprecedented austerity movement, the Yankees will win the A.L. East.


Best Bets

Thomas Heatherwick’s Spun chair, Eleven Consignment Boutique opens in Brooklyn, and more.

The Look Book

�My daughters would say, �Don’t talk all that bullshit therapist talk to us, just talk regular!’�

The Urbanist’s Miami

Street art, shrimp shacks, and show-pony mansions.

The Restaurant Review

At Hanjan, Hooni Kim updates traditional joomaks.

In Season

Hass avocados are in the supermarket year-round, but their oil content increases in the spring.

Danish Revival

The once grand, then forgotten pastry stages a comeback.


Eva Mendes in Disguise

Who was that unibrowed woman in the sweatpants?

The Five: Game of Thrones

The most dragon-filled show on television returns to HBO for its third season on March 31.

Tom Hanks’s Big Break

At rehearsals for Nora Ephron’s Lucky Guy.

�What Is a Man?�

Harvey Fierstein’s Kinky Boots is more than a drag show, which is precisely the point.

A New Don: Elisabeth Moss

On bossing men around on Mad Men, and stabbing one in Top of the Lake.

The Theater Review

On its way to the theater, Breakfast at Tiffany’s lost the Capote touches that kept it aloft.

The Theater Review

Jesse Green on Hands on a Hardbody.

The Movie Review

Ryan Gosling can’t save the overreaching The Place Beyond the Pines.

To Do: March 27-April 3, 2013

Twenty-five things to see, hear, watch, and read.


Comments: Week of April 1, 2013

Readers sound off on feminist wives, and more.

The Approval Matrix: Week of April 1, 2013

Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.

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Letters may be edited for space and clarity. Please include a daytime phone number.

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