June 3, 2013 Issue

Cover Story
The Summer Guide
Memorial Day has arrived, humidity is on the rise, beach houses are opening; it’s time for our annual guide to the vernal months in (and out of) the city: halo-halo, kakigori, or plain old sno-ball, a shaved ice by any name is summer’s sweet treat; from traditional corn dog to grilled tuna, variations on food on a stick; seven months after Sandy, a status report on local sands; 125 one-pieces, tankinis, and itsy-bitsy bikinis; skin on parade in Central Park; hitching a ride from Larry David; capoeira, kayaking, and more at 21 of the city’s piers; nine kids’ expert opinions on the contents of summer’s toy box; should you stay or flee: a travel planner for every weekend till Labor Day.
On the Cover: Will and Jaden Smith. Photograph by Art Streiber for New York Magazine.
Will Smith and His Fresh Prince
The father-son duo�starring in their second film as a father-son duo�on religion, discipline, optimal creativity, and what it means to be a Smith (freedom is encouraged �as long as we can control our freedom�) in Hollywood. By Claire Hoffman
What Does Los Angeles Know About Hamburgers?
With its promiscuous use of the mysterious fifth taste, Umami Burger has won over L.A. and out-of-town restaurant critics. But how will it fare in New York’s competitive burger climate? By Adam Platt
Why Pop Stars Rule the World
And movie stars no longer do. It’s all about being real, or at least having the ability to project realness. By Michael Hirschorn
The Rise of Northside
While the organizers of GoogaMooga struggle to transplant Coachella-like vibes to Prospect Park, Scott and Daniel Stedman have figured out how to leverage New York’s unique music scene to support a large-scale indie extravaganza with their Northside festival. By Matthew Shaer
Ancient Gay History
� is really just yesterday. My surrogate parent Clayton Coots was one of countless closeted men who didn’t live long enough to see this moment. By Frank Rich
The Oracles of Google
Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen can see the future (and it’s mostly good).
The Baby-Business Boom
American births are at a 25-year low, but the baby business couldn’t be doing better.
One Step Behind the Bulldozers
Where some see a piece of city history, others envision a new high-rise.
180 Minutes With Quincy Jones
The nonstop birthday party of music's most productive producer.
The Neighborhood News
Our roundup of news from around the city.
Hot Dog Days
With Weiner in, Quinn drifting, Liu seething, and Thompson and De Blasio dueling, the campaign is about to get warm.
Pharrell Williams’s Rainbow Connection
A pop minimalist expands his palette.
Diplo’s Endless Summer Playlist
We asked the D.J., producer, and Major Lazer leader to program the ultimate summer-barbecue soundtrack.
I ♥ Seventies
On the set of David O. Russell’s American Hustle.
The Movie Review
Joss Whedon’s Much Ado About Nothing takes the Bard at his word.
The Book Review
Race in America through the eyes of a Nigerian novelist.
The Art Review
Jerry Saltz on Jeff Koons’s concurrent shows.
To Do: May 29�June 12, 2013
25 things to see, hear, watch, and read.
Comments: Week of June 3, 2013
Readers sound off on space travel, officer Pedro Serrano, and more.
The Approval Matrix: Week of June 3, 2013
Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.
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