Table of Contents -- June 24, 2013 Issue of New York Magazine

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Table of Contents

June 24, 2013 Issue

Cover Story

Best Doctors 2013

The annual omnibus of medical professionals, selected by their peers, for everything from your head (neurologists) to your toes (orthopedic surgeons).
Plus: Three hundred doctors on Obamacare, the solvency of their hospitals, and whether they’d choose this profession all over again; 3-D-printed body parts are within reach; can information theory revolutionize private health care?; a camera-wielding EMT records one shift of emergencies.
On the Cover: Illustration by Craig & Karl.


The Boss Stops Here

For some in today’s workplace, the traditional hierarchical structure (worker bee, supervisor, manager, ad infinitum) is a relic of the industrialized past. What the new experiments in the bossless office promise are greater motivation, creativity, and transparency. Plus: firings by committee. By Matthew Shaer

Nelson Castro in the Machine

Ever since he was a little boy, Nelson Castro had political aspirations. What he likely didn’t dream of was wearing a wire for the government while representing the Bronx. By Steve Fishman


It’s a truth universally acknowledged in the Internet age that your mistakes will dog you online forever. Unless you pay someone to trick Google into serving up more palatable fare. By Graeme Wood


The Journalist Diplomat

The sad fact for Samantha Power is that you can be a media intellectual or a government official, not both.

240 Years of Leakers

What makes leakers leak when the fallout is often swift and severe?

124 Minutes With Mavis Staples

The gospel legend ices up her knee and dishes on the Obamas.

The Neighborhood News

Our roundup of news from around the city.


Eternal A-Rod

Ten years ago, Alex Rodriguez’s career might have been ended by a steroid suspension. Today, fans are just hoping Bud Selig can get over his PED crusade.


Best Bets

A beach tote, a foldable cutting board, and more new stuff in stores.

The Look Book

�I met Sarah Jessica Parker during Fashion’s Night Out a few years ago and almost passed out.�

The Urbanist’s Amsterdam

Modern art, squatter nightclubs, and duck bitterballen.

Fashionables: Gladiators

Summer sandals are really Roman.

The Restaurant Review

The taco gets the Vongerichten treatment at ABC Cocina.

In Season

Collard greens are not as popular as its trendy cousin, kale, but they contain many of the same nutritional benefits.

History on the Half-Shell

Reconsidering the clam.


Mr. & Mrs. Architect

The beauty�and complexity and contradiction�of designing with a spouse.

Who Needs a Tony ...

... When you've got this? After every performance of Lucky Guy, swarms of Tom Hanks appreciators gather expectantly.

Three Courses of Orson Welles

In eighties Hollywood, the larger-than-life former boy genius sings for his supper.

Paul Feig Explains His Cultural Influences

In no particular order, these are the movies, books, cuisines, and teachers that inspired him.

The Pop Review

The Lonely Island lead the pop-parody boom.

The Movie Review

Superman gets a bleak new origin story in Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel.

The Movie Review

Saoirse Ronan makes a perfect bloodsucker in Byzantium.

The TV Review

Matt Zoller Seitz on Futurama’s final (final) frontier.

To Do: June 19�July 3, 2013

25 things to see, hear, watch, and read.


Comments: Week of June 24, 2013

Readers sound off on Mariano Rivera, Stevie Nicks, and more.

The Approval Matrix: Week of June 24, 2013

Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.

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