July 29, 2013 Issue

Cover Story
Sex: Theory & Practice
Twentysomethings can never, ever leave their lovers; fetishism tries in vain to give Freud the slip; a klatch of pickup artists (plus The Rules’ authors) spar over what counts as relationship success.
PLUS: lusty micro-memoirs of first times, sneaky cheating, and trysts everywhere from the office to a church.
On the Cover: Medusa II (2012),
by Leah Yerpe.
The Blip
Following the 2008 crash, the country has been waiting for the engines of economic growth to send the GDP soaring again. But economist Robert Gordon thinks our fitful recovery may be the sign that the golden age of American life is in fact reaching its natural end�and was a fantastic historical accident to begin with. By Benjamin Wallace-Wells
Anarchists of the House
The most hard-core Republicans in Congress are trying out a radically new, self-negating form of governance: one in which it becomes impossible. By Jonathan Chait
What Can’t Kale Do?
Dr. Drew Ramsey’s love affair with the superhero of vegetables.
Sesame Street, Gentrified
The show’s evolution is an anthropological study in urban children and their changing environment.
73 Minutes With Scott Stringer
Plotting a win against Eliot Spitzer with New York’s would-be comptroller.
The Neighborhood News
Our roundup of news from around the city.
Bike Share’s Solution Man
Michel Dallaire’s indestructible, three-speed, two-wheeled machine powers New York’s bike-share program.
Best Bets
Dirk Vander Kooij’s robot produces each of these chairs in less than four hours.
The Look Book
�We’ll never say which girl is prettier. That’s twin code.�
Restaurant Review
Adam Platt on Uncle Boons and Costata.
In Season
This fried-zucchini recipe from the Ribalta chef tastes even better the next day.
Restaurant Opening
First look at Michael Stillman's Quality Italian.
Restaurant Opening
What to eat at Piora, opening in the West Village.
Restaurant Opening
Fried chicken gets its own roost with the latest Blue Ribbon outpost.
Hot Legs
Frog finds favor�and flavor�all over town.
Men's suits are ready to take their mark.
A Pool of One’s Own
Eight of the city’s most decadent private pools.
The Date-Night Dossier
Your friends have skipped town, the kids are at camp�you and your significant other shouldn’t spend every night binge-watching Orange Is the New Black. Here, itineraries to get you out on the town, plus the summer’s nightly goings-on.
The Hoboken Sound
An oral history of Maxwell's.
The David Lynch File
A trip through the very peculiar career of the director, newspaper cartoonist, doughnuts-and-coffee enthusiast�and, with this month’s The Big Dream, pop musician.
Hot Set
The cast of Squirrels to the Nuts melts on the Upper East Side.
A Book About My House
The head of FSG on a new account of the company, its golden age, and its seemingly less romantic present.
The Pop Review
How Robin Thicke became the dork king of R&B.
The TV Review
Suits is one of cable’s slickest, most enjoyable dramas�which might be why nobody’s talking about it.
The Movie Review
Woody Allen channels Tennessee Williams with Blue Jasmine.
To Do: July 17�24, 2013
25 things to see, hear, watch, and read.
Comments: Week of July 29, 2013
Readers sound off on Anthony Weiner, Trayvon Martin, and more.
The Approval Matrix: Week of July 29, 2013
Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.
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