Table of Contents -- September 16, 2013 Issue of New York Magazine

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Table of Contents

September 16, 2013 Issue

Cover Story

His Town

The extraordinary reign of the billionaire mayor ... who was crazy to think he could be president ... but who forever remade New York ... and maybe ruined what was good about it ... and whom we may miss more than we know: a blunt conversation with Michael Bloomberg.
On the Cover: Mayor Michael Bloomberg, August 2013. Photographed by Christopher Anderson/Magnum Photos/New York Magazine.


In Conversation: Michael Bloomberg

The mayor has harsh words for Bill de Blasio, rebuts the charge that he’s in the tank for the wealthy, questions just how poor the poor really are, and considers (for the first time) what he might like named after him. By Chris Smith

Twelve Years

Three terms of metropolitan metamorphosis as skyscrapers rose, crime fell, and everyone stopped smoking, except outside.

Autocrat for the People

A reevaluation of an era in which the city was ruled (for a couple of years, anyway) by its wealthiest resident. By Chris Smith

Let Me Tell You About the Most Heartfelt $200 I Ever Made

Missing the New York that predates pour-over coffee. By Choire Sicha

The Dashed Dreams of President Bloomberg

For a while, Bloomberg had the uncharacteristic delusion that Bloombergism could go national. By Jonathan Chait

Shiny, Alluring, Ugly, Visionary, Inspiring, Incomplete

The urban transformation the mayor unleashed was like nothing New Yorkers had seen, and our Rome isn’t done yet. By Justin Davidson


Rutgers’ Play for the Big Leagues

The New Jersey university tries to shed its recent scandals.

100-Person Poll of New York City Voters

To get a feel for where voters are leaning, we canvassed parks and street corners in three of the five boroughs to find New Yorkers willing to stop long enough to give their thoughts on the contenders.

91 Minutes With David Miliband

The parliamentarian learns to blend into the crowd.

The Neighborhood News

Our roundup of news from around the city.


Best Bets

A paper shredder, Violet Pepper opens in Greenpoint, and more new stuff in New York stores.

The Everything Guide to Man-Clothes Shopping

The city is swarming with new high-end haberdasheries, un-stuffy bespoke tailors, and handcrafted-boot peddlers.

The Great Room

Nest founder Joe Holtzman’s outsize take on a classic Palm Beach pad.

The Restaurant Review

Luksus serves Brooklyn artisanal fare with minimal pretension.

In Season

Estela chef Ignacio Mattos's string beans with Taleggio cream and bread crumbs.

Surrender, Diner

Omakase doesn't mean "sushi," or even "fish"; it refers to the notion of entrusting your meal to the whims and talents of the chef.


Danai Gurira Takes Up Her Sword

The Walking Dead zombie-slayer is on an entirely different kind of mission.

Influences: Kurt Sutter

The movies, television shows, filmmakers, musicians, playwrights, and comics that inspired him.

The Process of Weeding Out

Raymond Pettibon's scrawled revelations.

Mike Daisey's Big Story

The scandal-battered monologuist returns. But he's still not apologizing for much.

The Pop Review

R&B's next great hope, Janelle Monáe, serves up an overcooked sci-fi concept album.

The Theater Review

A deep dive into Lucy Thurbur's Hill Town Plays.

The Movie Review

A Nigerian Brooklynite struggles to conceive in Mother of George.

The Movie Review

Salinger is a documentary that says, "We’ve got you now, you antisocial bastard."

To Do: September 11�18, 2013

25 things to see, hear, watch, and read.


Comments: Week of September 16, 2013

Readers sound off on the NYPD, Thomas Pynchon, and more.

The Approval Matrix: Week of September 16, 2013

Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.

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