Table of Contents -- October 7, 2013 Issue of New York Magazine

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Table of Contents

October 7, 2013 Issue

Cover Story

Launch. Hack. Meow.

At 27, Tumblr’s David Karp is a 145-pound dropout worth $200 million, with the tech boom’s hottest and most innovative start-up, bigger by some measures than Facebook. And the reason that he’s revered by his employees is the same reason the platform he created is so successful. How hedge-funder Sahm Adrangi used tweeting (and a lot of research) to become one of Wall Street’s most successful players. With clever curation and high production values, One Kings Lane has transcended the flash-sale- site model. Meme marketer Ben Lashes turns Internet stars like Grumpy Cat into multi-platform franchises. Lending Club has shown that you don’t need banks to make loans�only people. Hamdi Ulukaya’s Chobani brand is making Silicon Valley�level profits off Greek yogurt�and reviving the dairy industry in upstate New York.
Plus: The companies and creators that made tacos a boom business, launched millions-generating torture-obstacle races, turned the spare bedroom into a microhotel, and more.
On the Cover: Grumpy Cat. Photograph by Jeff Minton for New York Magazine.


The Last of Bloombergville

Developers rush to build before the next mayor ruins the fun.

The Power Huggers

It used to be that a handshake was enough. Now public figures have come to realize that to project likability, nothing beats a hug.

A Midtown Holy Land

For the new book Unscrolled, in which artists and writers interpret sections of the Torah, Marc Kushner’s team drops the tabernacle into the middle of New York.

134 Minutes With Frank Serpico

A Hudson stroll with the NYPD’s most famous whistle-blower and aging Casanova.

The Neighborhood News

Our roundup of news from around the city.


Don’t Panic, the Yankees Are Already Back

They may have missed the playoffs, but the richest sports franchise in America won’t be down for long.


Best Bets

Nicolas Pichelin’s S7 floor lamp, Schott NYC opens in Nolita, and more new stuff in New York stores.

The Look Book

�I started a company that makes 3-D-printed orthotics. Right now, orthotics aren’t sexy, but there’s no reason they shouldn’t be.�

The Everything Guide to Dancing

Where to waltz, cha-cha, vogue, do-si-do, and moonwalk the night away.

The Restaurant Review

Nouveau rustico Charlie Bird almost makes the most of his pint-size room.

In Season

Japanese eggplant is well suited for this recipe from Benoit’s Philippe Bertineau.

Come for the Coffee, Stay for the Food

Now that coffee has become an object of worship, some of the smartest new shops are paying as much attention to what’s on the plates as to what’s in the cups.


Bruce Dern’s Big Break

His part in Nebraska is the one he’s waited 77 years for.

Dream Team

On their third album, Sleigh Bells sound like a band, not just a sound.

This Is a Mugging

A new book, Comic Genius, catches comedians mid-shtick.

We’re Submitting This for the 2014 Edition

A preview of the new anthology The Best American Infographics 2013.

The Architecture Review

Those sickly suburbs: Two new books are full of diagnoses but short on real-world cures.

The Theater Review

We may never see the likes of this new Glass Menagerie again.

The Movie Review

Alfonso Cuarón’s Gravity will delight physicists and terrify everybody else.

The Movie Review

Doc Let the Fire Burn examines both sides of an ugly 1985 police standoff.

To Do: October 2�9, 2013

25 things to see, hear, watch, and read.


Comments: Week of October 7, 2013

Readers sound off on Hillary Clinton, Brad Paisley, and more.

The Approval Matrix: Week of October 7, 2013

Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.

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