Table of Contents -- October 14, 2013 Issue of New York Magazine

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Table of Contents

October 14, 2013 Issue

Cover Story

Him and Her

With his new movie�starring Joaquin Phoenix as a man obsessed with a Siri of the near future�Spike Jonze has made a romance for our time. And come, perhaps, as close to self-revelation as the shape-shifting, Zeitgeist-sparking director ever has. By Mark Harris
On the Cover: Joaquin Phoenix. Photograph by Dan Winters for New York Magazine.


In Conversation: Antonin Scalia

The Supreme Court justice delivers his opinions�judicial and otherwise�on homosexuality, the coarsening of culture, Seinfeld, and the Devil, in whom he believes very much. By Jennifer Senior

Ethical Parenting

If your kids are watching you try to be the best parent you can be (and they are), they will likely see you lie, plot, and even cheat for their benefit. So are you doing them more harm than good? By Lisa Miller


Public Enemy No. 2

Adults have grabbed onto baby wipes for that extra-clean feeling. Bad news for the sewage system.

The Artist Is Ever Present

A look at Madonna’s various eras�and a few of the artists she channeled.

102 Minutes With Eleanor Friedberger

Perfecting the backhanded volley with the erstwhile Fiery Furnace.

The Neighborhood News

Our roundup of news from around the city.

The Writing on the Wall

Owners of graffiti haven 5Pointz, in Long Island City, have plans to demolish the building to make way for luxury towers.

The Shutdown Prophet

Washington couldn’t have gone dark without a radicalized Republican Party. Or maybe it was destined to all along.


Best Bets

Cold-smoked salmon, Juniper Ridge opens in Williamsburg, and more new stuff in stores.

The Look Book

�My father works at the same prison, in Westchester, and when I was 17, he handed me an application.�

The Everything Guide to Haggling

How to talk down the price of a mattress, cashmere sweater, squash blossom, and cup of coffee.


Biker jackets for every motorcyclist, even wannabes and vegans.

The Restaurant Review

The proprietors of two popular eateries move on up.

In Season

Michael Anthony’s pickled ají dulce peppers.

New York Sour

Tart and tangy flavors rule the foodscape.

Restaurant Opening

Lexington Pizza Parlour opens in Harlem.

Restaurant Opening

Lumpia Shack Snackbar opening brick-and-mortar in West Village.


Chasing Katniss

Divergent author Veronica Roth builds her dystopian empire.

How to Create a Teen Phenomenon, in Nine Easy Steps

Interested in writing the next next next teen franchise? Here’s a step-by-step guide.

The Five: The Young-Adult Bubble

The growing influence of a very profitable genre.

The Thirtysomething Teen

An adult YA addict comes clean.

So You'd Like to Read a YA Novel ...

Finding the romantic, dystopic, or vampiric YA that's right for you.

The Classical Music Review

Justin Davidson on the Met’s opening, and City Opera’s closing.

The Movie Review

Tom Hanks is better than ever as a hijacked sailor in Captain Phillips.

The Movie Review

Robert Rodriguez serves a second helping of empty, violent schlock with Machete Kills.

The Art Review

Safe, fake transgression is all over Chelsea these days. And then there's Bjarne Melgaard.

To Do: October 9�16, 2013

25 things to see, hear, watch, and read.


Comments: Week of October 14, 2013

Readers sound off on Tumblr, Ben Lashes, and more.

The Approval Matrix: Week of October 14, 2013

Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.

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