November 11, 2013 Issue

Cover Story
The Intervention
When Obama lost the first debate so badly to
Mitt Romney, his team was worried but not panicked. The real fear kicked in a little later. �If we
don’t fix this,� said adviser David Plouffe, �we could lose the whole election.� By Mark Halperin and John Heilemann
On the Cover: President Obama at the University of Denver presidential debate, October 3, 2012. Photograph by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images.
Liberal Echo Chamber
The film 12 Years a Slave is undeniably powerful, but it doesn’t have the power some of us wish it did. By Frank Rich
Orders of Grief
Eleven months after Sandy Hook, Newtown’s mourning remains incalculable, especially that of the parents who lost their children. And the influx of sympathy�and money�has sometimes made the grieving more difficult rather than less. By Lisa Miller
It Was the Hottest Club in Town
Once upon a time, Area was the beating heart of downtown nightlife, part art space, part dance floor, and wholly spectacle. By Joshua David Stein
A Muscle Man in Exile
David Barton leaves behind the culture he helped create.
Subway Freeloaders
PathoMap has documented 137 different types of bacteria on five subway lines.
120 Minutes With Slavoj �i�ek
Interrogating cinema, pornography, and the surveillance state with the pervert philosopher.
The Neighborhood News
Our roundup of news from around the city.
Best Bets
Alexander Calder jewelry, a McKenzie-Veal coatrack, and more new stuff in stores.
The Look Book
�When you work in this world all year-round, Halloween isn’t that exciting.�
The Restaurant Review
Daisuke Nakazawa, a former pupil of Tokyo’s most famous sushi chef, goes his own way.
In Season
Cauliflower works well tucked into this macaroni-and-cheese recipe adapted from Melt.
Back to Brownies
A new look at an old favorite.
The Kitchen Exposed
Some New Yorkers whip up nightly five-course meals. Others use their ovens for storing off-season sweaters. So how much is a kitchen worth, anyway?
Default Section Here
Hazing in the NFL
Inside the locker room with a former Denver Bronco.
What Rhymes With Maybach?
Mercedes is �reportedly contemplating bringing the car back��snazzier this time. Here, a look at Maybach as muse.
My Abortion
One in three women has an abortion by the age of 45. How many ever talk about it? New laws, old stigmas. 26 stories.
Rap-Sheet Mayors
Here are six American scandals Rob Ford might want to study before making his next move.
La Belle Simone
She was once married to Bill Levitt, one of the richest men in America. Now she lives in a rented one-bedroom, alone with her memories. But oh, what memories.
The New Mayor’s Frenemies
The politics of Bill de Blasio’s signature issues are about to get personal.
Who Killed Michael Hastings?
Reflexively distrustful, eager to make powerful enemies, the young journalist whose Mercedes exploded in Los Angeles one night couldn’t possibly have died accidentally, could he?
Quixote in Flyover Country
Bruce Dern road-trips to claim bogus prize money in Nebraska.
An Avant-Garde That’s Easy to Love
Three heartening moments from the new-music scene.
Comments: Week of November 18, 2013
Readers sound off on Obama, liberal feel-bad movies, and more.
To Do: November 13�20, 2013
25 things to see, hear, watch, and read.
The Urbanist’s São Paulo: What to Do
Where to shop, three easy escapes, and more.
The Urbanist’s São Paulo: Where to Eat
Classic and new takes on Brazilian fare.
The Urbanist’s São Paulo: Talking Points
Want to rile a Paulistano? Broach one of these hot topics.
The Urbanist’s São Paulo: Where to Stay
Where the locals would stay if they weren’t locals.
The Urbanist’s São Paulo
Nouveau cachaça bars, boutique hostels, and snake farms.
New Stuff
Copo glasses, a lightweight side table, and more new stuff in New York stores.
Four New, Hyperspecific Ways to Break a Sweat
A first look at Swerve, Unity Yoga, AKT inMotion, and CityRow.
High Luster
The recession and soaring gold prices may have put a damper on the city’s jewelry scene, but it is brightening of late.
Mikel Mitchell, Musician
�The stuff that happens in that store is crazy. But, you know, it’s Soho.�
Unfashionably Fashionable
Robert A.M. Stern’s buildings seem like they’ve always been there. What’s the crime in that?
Stress Positions
Laurie Metcalf tenses up onstage in Domesticated and on HBO’s Getting On.
House Party
Michael Cera delivers on the set of David Cross’s Hits.
Rock-and-Roll Heart
Remembering Lou Reed, a pop star for grown-ups.
The Movie Review
Alex Gibney confronts cycling’s top cheat in The Armstrong Lie.
The Theater Review
In Betrayal, backward runs Pinter until reels the mind.
The Art Review
Christopher Wool’s stenciled words speak loudly�and not everyone wants to listen.
To Do: November 6�13, 2013
25 things to see, hear, watch, and read.
Comments: Week of November 11, 2013
Readers sound off on Bill de Blasio, juice trends, and more.
The Approval Matrix: Week of November 11, 2013
Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.
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