December 9, 2013 Issue

Cover Story
Chasing A-Rod
An epic battle rages in hot-stove season as Major League Baseball attempts to prove that Alex Rodriguez perpetrated years of PED abuse. No matter how the plot (with its whiffs of Elmore Leonard) turns out, everyone involved has been forever tainted. By Steve Fishman
On the Cover: Alex Rodriguez. Photograph by Marco Grob for New York Magazine.
The Sondheim Puzzle
Before I was a critic reviewing Stephen Sondheim’s work on Broadway, I was a 10-year-old who was moved and riveted by it. And our relationship has rolled on to this day�a kind of extended postgraduate course in art and life. By Frank Rich
Why Run a Slum If You Can Make More Money Housing the Homeless?
Homelessness is at a record high in the city, and so is the city’s need for beds. Enter the Podolsky family, long skilled at turning subpar real estate into morally dubious profit. By Andrew Rice
My Life As a Jonas Brother
It wasn’t always what Disney wanted people to believe. By Joe Jonas
Coding Kids
The latest language-learning trend has nothing to do with words.
That Sexy Aroma
A look at some of the stranger ingredients in your fragrances.
Return to Sender
The United States Postal Service released 100 million stamps based on Harry Potter.
83 Minutes With Leo Fitzpatrick
Coffee and cigarettes with the Kids actor, all grown up.
The Neighborhood News
Our roundup of news from around the city.
Best Bets
An Ikea carafe, a wool throw rug, and more new stuff in stores.
The Look Book
�Being able to manipulate metal, something that is really hard to work with, being able to make it your bitch�that’s a really amazing feeling.�
The Restaurant Review
The chefs behind Franny’s expand and get even more rustico.
In Season
A kabocha squash recipe from Pearl & Ash chef Richard Kuo.
Vermouth's Bittersweet Revenge
The belated Renaissance of the spirit world’s most maligned mixer.
Bubby's Ron Silver Unleashes the Cr'nish
Smashed potatoes mingled with caramelized onions, wrapped in buttery croissant dough.
The Great Room
A Dutch designer’s space-saving solutions for her 350-square-foot apartment.
Oh, Yeezy, You Shouldn’t Have!
Feed the fanatics on your list with these books and boxed sets�and one gleaming Ron Burgundy bust� vetted by our Vulture editors.
The Great Rerevival
As the Coen brothers celebrate the folk boom of the sixties, roots music is booming all over again in 2013.
The Times, They Haven’t Changed That Much
What new folkies share with the old ones.
Joel and Ethan Coen's Influences
Some of the musicians who helped inspire their new film, Inside Llewyn Davis.
The Wendell Pierce Campaign
The Treme star plays politics even better than the trombone.
I Love You, Me Neither
Andrew Birkin’s photographs of Jane and Serge.
The Art Review
Kanye's Bound 2 and its crazy new kind of artistic self-awareness.
The Theater Review
Stewart and McKellen, Beckett and Pinter: a perfectly bleak doubles match.
The Movie Review
Oscar Isaac catches a bad break (or ten) in Inside Llewyn Davis.
To Do: December 4�11, 2013
25 things to see, hear, watch, and read.
Comments: Week of December 9, 2013
Readers sound off on Nikki Finke, anti-testing, and more.
The Approval Matrix: Week of December 9, 2013
Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.
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