Table of Contents -- May 19, 2014 Issue of New York Magazine

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Table of Contents

May 19, 2014 Issue

Cover Story

Chirlane McCray’s City

Bill de Blasio’s wife is also his partner�a City Hall marriage the likes of which New York has never seen. By Lisa Miller
On the Cover: Chirlane McCray. Photograph by Ruven Afanador for New York Magazine. Makeup by Fulvia Farolfi for Chanel; Hair by Anu Prestonia for Ken Barboza.

Download the iPad edition to watch Robin Thicke and Mary H.K. Choi talk about their celebrity crushes, sample music featured in our summer calendar, and see more exclusive content from this week's issue.


Can Conservatives Be Funny?

The GOP sees conspiracy in the liberal stranglehold on TV’s humorists, but perhaps Republican jokers just can’t hack it in free-market comedy. By Frank Rich


Halle Berry, Louis C.K., the Rock, Japanese hostesses: confessions of mostly platonic desire.
Plus: Alain de Botton on our ever-evolving hearts.

�Let’s, Like, Demolish Laundry�

Washio wants to be the Uber of wash-and-fold. It’s not alone. (And no, Mike Judge did not write this script.) By Jessica Pressler


Axing Questions

Why did publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. fire the Times’ first female executive editor?

Life in Pictures: Gustavo Dudamel

Conducting, composing, and schmoozing with the Los Angeles Philharmonic’s wunderkind director.

36 Minutes With Shaquille O’Neal

Talking multiplatform branding with the talking head�movie star�author�Ph.D.�real-estate mogul�jewelry designer.

As Antarctica Melts

Despite dire reports, the politics of climate change this summer will be worse than Obamacare’s.

The Cut

Out of the Box: The Yale Project

We sent a crate of designer clothes to graduate students in Yale’s M.F.A. program in photography to play with them for a day. Here’s what they sent back.


New This Summer: Eat. Play. Leave.

Your guide to thriving in the sweltering city, including a super sundae and a bunch of new parks to go to soak up some vitamin D. And when things get too hot, 13 ways to escape.


110 Diversions

Things to watch, hear, read, and do, all summer long.

Getting to 9/11

How a museum’s creators memorialized our collective agony.

The Movie Review

By holding back, Godzilla comes off as a little stingy when it’s time to deliver.

The Movie Review

The little that happens in A Short History of Decay is more than enough.

The Movie Review

Cold in July is straightforward, compact, scary but a mite predictable.

The Book Review

Kathryn Schulz on Geoff Dyer’s newest book, Another Great Day at Sea.

To Do: May 21�June 7, 2014

Twenty-five things to see, hear, watch, and read.


Comments: Week of May 19, 2014

Readers sound off on Lara Logan, The Big Bang Theory, and more.

The Vulture Crossword Contest

Figure out the hidden theme to win a New York subscription.

Competition: When People Get Verbed

Enter in the comments section, or on Twitter with the hashtag we've provided.

The Approval Matrix: Week of May 19, 2014

Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.

Write a Letter to the Editor

Letters may be edited for space and clarity. Please include a daytime phone number.

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