Table of Contents - January 9, 2017, issue of New York Magazine

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Table of Contents

January 9, 2017 Issue

Cover Story

The Young Trump

Just how different is Jared Kushner from his father-in-law, really? By Andrew Rice
On the Cover: Jared Kushner. Photograph by Jamel Toppin/The Forbes Collection/Contour by Getty Images.

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Warning: Abortion’s Deadly DIY Past Could Soon Become Its Future

And overturning Roe might not even be the endgame. By Rebecca Traister

The Chef of the Future Makes Only One Dish

So it better be tasty. Lunch with two humanoid arms named Moley. By David Marchese


The National Interest

Obama’s legacy could be as hard to dismantle as a wall is to build.

36 Minutes With Isabelle Huppert

The French actress is finally (sort of) going mainstream, and she doesn’t hate it.


An illustrated remembrance of Carnegie Deli’s last day.

Reread: July 24, 1972

Service journalism from the early era of legal abortion.

The Cut

Zen Palace

Inscape, a 5,000-square-foot SoulCycle-for-meditation playspace.


Best Bets

Bed-Stuy’s yoga district grows, new BPA-free water bottles, and more.

Look Book

The dancer-model-airline-agent who's auditioning for Beyoncé.

The Everything Guide to Bottled Water

Including the H20 a water sommelier would pair with steak.

The Restaurant Review

Flora Bar is more formal and ambitious than Estela, but just as satisfying.

The Dish

Hearth's not-too-sweet, rum-spiked toffee date cake.

Year of the Square

Four-sided pizza gains ground on round.


The Novel in the Age of Obama

Authenticity became the highest literary value around.

When Life Imitates Artifacts

Director Mike Mills on the objects that helped him write 20th Century Women.

No Rest for the Wicked

Tom Hardy on playing bad guys.

Run the Jewels

El-P and Killer Mike are back.

The TV Review

The Young Pope is quite strange.

The Architecture Review

Behold the new Astor Place.

To Do: January 11�January 25, 2017

Twenty-five things to see, hear, watch, and read.


Comments: Week of January 9, 2017

Readers sound off on the gun debate, Harry Reid’s retirement, and more.

The Approval Matrix: Week of January 9, 2017

Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.

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