Rose Ann Vita, Lutheran pastor
It was inspiring. He took human hair and made a feather. The clock made you rethink time. I feel like going home and trying it myself.

Karyn Hinkle, Publishing
Theoretical art is so eighties and nineties. I’m tired of it. People get this, and they’re happy to see it.

Tom McGee, Teacher
I’m not over-impressed. I’ve got a very limited art range, fixed round the turn of the century. I’m looking forward to going to MoMA to look at the Impressionists.

Ed Grout, Artist
He’s stretched the traditional self-portrait. He’s relating mechanical things to the mechanical parts of who we are as human beings.

Bob Turk, Attorney
I wouldn’t buy anything. Put it simply: His stuff is never going to make it to the Louvre.

Leila Hasan, Electrical Engineer
I’m really psyched because I’ve never heard about him. His art brings together science, engineering, and the body in a very complete, organic way.
Photographs by Jada Yuan for New York Magazine.