Overheard: What the Audience Really Thought About Pacific Overtures
At Studio 54, 2 P.M.
Robert Pigott 80, Retired Adman
I haven�t missed a Sondheim, ever. It reminded me of Anna and the King of Siam�the same sort of magic.
Mary Petnel 46, Executive Recruiter
I�m pleasantly surprised, because the original was not my favorite. I think it was before its time, and I think its time has come.
Stephen Abrams 73, Retired Engineer
It very much followed what was my understanding of the history. And, for once, the singing was
very good.
Maxine Rapport 58, Supervisor, NYU School of Education
It was inconsistent. We got the message, but there needed to be a poignancy, some total purpose, that I thought was missing.
Kera Halbersleben 19, Theater Student
The Times review was a crime. I just don�t see how you can walk out and not
be terribly moved. Maybe they don�t understand Kabuki.
Photographed by Sara Cardace for New York Magazine.
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From the January 17, 2005 issue of New York Magazine.