I admit I’m guilty of finding recycled goods a turnoff. If only being environmentally responsible didn’t entail style sacrifices.
Thankfully, no such concessions are required at 3R Living (276 Fifth Avenue, Park Slope, Brooklyn; 718-832-0951). Samantha Delman-Caserta, who’s a co-owner with husband Mark Caserta, an environmental lobbyist, has filled her store with cool things made from recycled, reused, or reduced (hence the name) waste materials. There’s even an area for dropping off used batteries, crayons, laser- and ink-jet-printer cartridges, CDs, and cell phones (proceeds are donated to the Prospect Park Alliance).
It’s a lifestyle I could easily get caught up in: serving mojitos in chic recycled-glass stemware ($28) and placing them just so on coasters made from old record albums ($24 for a set of six) while my guests lounge on floor cushions made of organic cotton and dozens of soy candles ($20) set the mood.
Casual affairs would call for dinnerware made of compostable pulp, utensils fashioned from corn- and potato starch (36 for $2.95), and perhaps bamboo rice bowls ($18) on colorful polypropylene place mats.
I’d be an environmental star, and my friends would be green—with envy.