Can’t decide whether to send your honey a Valentine’s Day bouquet or take her out to dinner? We’ve convinced five of the city’s top florists to create miniature masterpieces for our readers at a super-special $40 rate (their starting prices are usually $50 to $75). Delivery is extra. Mention this page when ordering.
Belle Fleur’s sweet peas come in a fleur-de-lis-embossed glass vase. The romantic, delicate blooms are in shades of white, purple, and pink. 11 E. 22nd St. (212-254-8703).
Floralies fills a chic square vase with robust Dutch tulips in assorted colors and seasonal greens. 122 E. 55th St. (212-755-3990).
Isidora’s black-magic roses and green orchids come in a sweet terra-cotta pot. 441 Third Ave., near 30th St. (212-545-7313).
Prudence Designs has parrot tulips, anemones, and roses in a metallic vase that says love, or a Chinese takeout container. Pickup only. 228 W. 18th St. (212-691-1356).
Castle & Pierpont’s Hocus Pocus and Forever Yours rose combos come with your choice of burgundy ranunculuses or pale-pink hyancinths and lisianthus. 401 E. 76th St. (212-570-1284).
PLUS: This Week’s Sale Picks