New York Metro Recipes

Summer Entertaining 2000: Race Courses

  Brussels Sprout Crisps

The Chef
WYLIE DUFRESNE of 71 Clinton Fresh Food

Serves six.

2 pounds large Brussels sprouts
1 quart canola or grapeseed oil for deep-frying
Maldon sea salt (available at Dean & DeLuca, 560 Broadway, at Prince Street)
Cayenne or ground cumin

Cooking Instructions

Trim 1/4 inch off the bottom of each sprout, and remove the dark green leaves, reserving the pale green centers for another use.

Blanch the leaves for 3 minutes in a large pot of salted boiling water. (Blanch the leaves in batches, to keep the water boiling.) Remove the leaves with a slotted spoon, and place in a bowl of iced water to shock them. Drain the leaves and set them out on paper towels or dry them in a salad spinner, and then set out on paper towels. The leaves must be completely dry.

Heat the oil to 250 degrees. Throw three leaves into the hot oil to test the temperature; if they turn brown in 3 minutes, then reduce the temperature. Add the leaves in batches, covering the oil with a screen to stop spatters. Remove the leaves from the oil when they are crisp but not browned (about 3 minutes), and set out on paper towels to drain the oil. May be made 2 hours ahead and stored on paper towel in a plastic container.

Pile the crisps in a bowl and dust with salt and cayenne or cumin to taste.