New York Metro Recipes

Holiday Entertaining 2001: Punches

  Gingersnap Milk Punch

The Chef
JERRI BANKS of Fressen

Serves eight to twelve.


1 cup sugar
1/4 cup of grated fresh ginger
2 cinnamon sticks, broken up
3 to 4 whole cloves
1 gallon milk

Candied-Ginger Vodka:
1 pound candied ginger
1 liter vodka

Cooking Instructions

Combine the sugar with 1 cup water in a small saucepan, and heat until sugar has dissolved. Add the grated ginger, cinnamon sticks, and cloves and remove from heat. Set aside to steep for 4 hours at room temperature. Add the syrup and the spices to the milk, and refrigerate for 2 to 6 hours to develop flavors. Strain, and serve cold or very gently warmed. (Do not allow the milk to get near a boil.) Serve in a wide-mouth cookie jar or punch bowl surrounded by gingersnaps.

For an adult version, add candied-ginger vodka (recipe below) or rum.

Candied-Ginger Vodka:
1 week to 2 weeks ahead: Steep the candied ginger in the vodka in a large covered container.
Day of the party: Pour the vodka through a fine strainer and discard the candied ginger. Return the vodka to a bottle and refrigerate. (May also be served over ice cream.)