New York Metro Recipes

Holiday Entertaining 2001: Holiday Punches

  Harvest Punch

The Chef
JULIE REINER of Aleutia (closed)

Serves twelve.

Tea-infused vodka:
1 liter Stolichnaya Ohranj
2 large iced-tea bags filled with Hawaiian tea, or 8 tablespoons loose tea leaves (available from the T Salon Emporium, 11 East 20th Street)

Mint-sugar syrup:
25 fresh mint leaves
1 cup white sugar
1/4 cup orange juice
1/4 cup pineapple juice
3 oranges, sliced thin
12 sprigs mint
Bowl of ice cubes

Mixing Instructions
To make vodka:
Submerge the bottle of vodka in hot water for 10 minutes. Pour the vodka into a pitcher, and add the tea to the vodka. Allow to steep for 45 minutes or until the vodka darkens. Remove the tea bags or strain to remove the tea leaves, and funnel the vodka back into the bottle.

To make syrup:
In a small saucepan, add the mint leaves to 1 cup of water. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to low for 2 minutes. Strain, and discard leaves. Add the sugar to the mint water, and allow the sugar to dissolve.

In a large punch bowl, mix 3 cups tea-infused vodka with 1 and a 1/2 cups mint syrup and juices. Gradually stir in 3 cups water. Garnish bowl with orange slices and sprigs of mint. Add a few ice cubes to each glass before ladling in the punch.