Watermelon-Cucumber Popsicles - Recipes of New York Chefs

Tastes of Summer (2003)

See Also
  Watermelon-Cucumber Popsicles

The Chef
Deborah Racicot of Gotham Bar and Grill

Yields 10 to 12

2 cups sugar
4 pounds seedless watermelon
1 pound cucumber
2 limes, juiced

Cooking Instructions
Place the sugar and 2 cups of water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Set aside to cool completely. Cut the watermelon into chunks, discarding the rind. Peel the cucumbers, and cut into pieces. Purée each in a blender. (You should produce 4 cups of watermelon purée and 2 cups of cucumber.) Then combine the two purées with 2 cups sugar syrup, and blend until smooth. Strain the mixture through a sieve to remove any remaining lumps. Stir in the lime juice and a pinch of salt.

Pour mixture into Popsicle molds, and freeze for several hours until hard. The Popsicles are best made early in the morning or a day before serving.

Note: The Popsicles can be unmolded and stored in an airtight container separated by layers of parchment.


Photograph by Sang An