Last week, the University of Wisconsin–Madison Snapchat story (a curated selection of photos and videos submitted by university students) was taken over by a very 2016 love story.
After spotting a guy in a Minnesota Vikings jersey on the story, an anonymous female student (later dubbed “Mystery Girl”) decided to try to track him down.
“I’m seriously in love with you,” she said in her snap. “Find me.”
The guy, now known as “Vikings Fan,” responded with a time and place for the two to meet up, but Mystery Girl didn’t see the snap. (Ugh, it’s like watching Sleepless in Seattle all over again.)
Still, the pair continued their attempts to coordinate a meetup. (Standard disclaimer: This is the internet; everything is viral marketing; take what you see with a healthy dose of salt.) Meanwhile, plenty of other students began to weigh in on Snapchat and Twitter, eager to see if their two classmates would ever meet up in person. Snapchat even created a “HELP VIKINGS FAN FIND MYSTERY GIRL” geofilter.
The two eventually met up at a local bar, embracing in a strangely emotional hug that didn’t feel at all weird to watch.
And, of course, the whole thing was documented on Snapchat, as first reported by The Tab.
The real-life identities of Vikings Fan and Mystery Girl have still not been identified, so there’s no way to know what happened next or if the whole thing was staged. If you have any intel, please let us know.