The newest iteration of Apple’s iPhone operating system, iOS 10, rolls out today, with a host of new features — and, most important, over 30 new emoji. And in addition to totally new emoji, like “woman weight lifting” or “man getting haircut,” the update also includes tweaks to many of the emoji you’ve come to know and love (and many more you’ve come to know and gripe about on the internet). Santa’s got a brand new beard! The bathtub emoji now comes filled with bubbles! Women can have careers! Men can get face massages! Let’s take a look.
The best place to read about emoji changes is Emojipedia, which has an exhaustive list of changes here. Perhaps most notable: The iconic Women With Bunny Ears emoji gets its fourth overhaul in five years in iOS 10. This time, iOS users will note she appears taller, leggier, and with a svelter pair of ears.

Overall, the iOS 10 emoji are rounder, more detailed (the bride now has wavy hair and the man with a turban now has a beard), more shaded, and generally, in the words of Emojipedia, “less Simpsons and more Pixar.” Here’s a GIF from Emojipedia showing some of the changes:

With iOS 10, there are 17 new female emoji in total, including a police officer, a construction worker, a woman wearing a turban, and women playing ten different sports. And, Emojipedia also notes, there is now a female rendering of every male emoji save for two. (There are only nine new male emoji for iOS 10.) As previously announced, the pistol emoji will now render as a bright green squirt gun, for iOS users. (Meanwhile Microsoft doubled down and made their gun pictograph more realistic.)
Family-unit emoji are no longer limited to dual-parent households. New emoji include single mothers and fathers with one or two children. There is also a new rainbow-flag pride emoji. And finally, the most important change of all: The poop emoji has been altered to appear more dimensional. Which is a good and necessary change, because you wouldn’t want a tiny picture of an animated pile of feces with eyes to look flat.