After the company was accused of scabbing amid travel-ban protests at JFK Airport earlier this year, the hashtag #DeleteUber swept social media, with thousands of people doing just that: deleting the app and opting for alternatives like Lyft. (Keep in mind, Trump’s tech buddy Peter Thiel is a Lyft investor. So there’s that.) This week, Uber employees (which look to be about 19 men and only 1 woman) in San Francisco decided to fight back against the #DeleteUber campaign with a hashtag of their own, #Undelete. The employees spray-painted the hashtag in large letters onto a wall in an, um, tone-deaf attempt to bring people back to the app.
The street art — if that’s what you want to call it, though it seems insulting to the time-honored tradition of actual street art — was created in partnership with 1 AM (short for “First Amendment”), an SF-based group that “represents the freedom of speech through our urban art exhibitions, public murals, and experiences.” Can’t wait for somebody else to inevitably paint the word “delete” on top of Uber’s #Undelete wall. (If and when this happens, somebody please send Select All a picture.)