Elon Musk is making millions selling … flamethrowers. That’s really all there is to say about that. The man you probably associate with Tesla or leading the charge to colonize Mars has recently gotten into the flamethrower business. Mostly because his hat business was doing so well he started selling flamethrowers. Because why not!
In December, the Boring Company — Musk’s business venture which is working toward creating underground tunnels to lessen traffic — started selling hats to make money. If they sold 50,000 hats, Musk said they’d start selling flamethrowers, too. The Boring Company hit the hat goal, so over the weekend Musk announced the flamethrower were officially for sale. They retail for $500.
On Twitter, Musk has been updating his followers with the company’s latest sales numbers. As of publishing this post, 7,000 people have bought them. Which means Musk has made millions of dollars in the past few days from these puppies: at $500 each, that comes to about $3.5 million in sales. We’ll assume not all of that is pure profit, but still not bad for a few days work. Plus, the Boring Company is also selling fire extinguishers for $30 each. Let’s hope they’ve also sold 7,000 of those.