The irony of souvenirs is how forgettable they often are, yet out-of-town visitors invariably want something. Lead them to Williamsburg for keepsakes that won’t end up in the trash. At Spuyten Duyvil bar, there’s good draft beer, a nice garden, and a collection of original New York City subway signs for sale ($30 to $140; 359 Metropolitan Ave., nr. Havemeyer St., Williamsburg, Brooklyn; 718-963-4140). Most are antique pieces—the black-and-white variety dates from the twenties—that sell for much less than they do in Manhattan. And the shipping store nearby on Bedford Avenue is handy for delivery purposes. To find more offbeat souvenirs, click ahead.

Hello From 1935
They don’t come ten for a dollar, but reproduction vintage postcards are nice enough to frame (Cavallini postcards, $14 at Kate’s Paperie, 1282 Third Ave., nr. 74th St.; 212-396-3670).

T-shirts Not Sold in the Airport
The “I❤NY” T-shirt, right, is written in Braille ($42 at Lyd, 405 W. 44th St., nr. Ninth Ave.; 212-246-8041). Or announce your love of Brooklyn in Arabic calligraphy ($24 to $26 at Artez’n, 444 Atlantic Ave., nr. Nevins St., Brooklyn; 718-596-2649).

Before It’s Gone
With Coney Island’s kitschiness possibly fading, capture the freak-show spirit in the form of a pin ($3 for small pins at Lola Staar, 1205 Boardwalk, nr. 12th St., Coney Island, Brooklyn; 718-855-8773).

Intentionally Cheesy
Grab a small hunk of Long Island with Catapano Goat Farm’s tangy, creamy chèvre ($8.99 for 4.5 ounces at Gourmet Garage, 453 Broome St., nr. Mercer St.; 212-941-5850).

Sweet Street Art
These chocolate bars’ labels, designed by legendary New York graffiti artists, are too cool to rip into (Graffiti Bar set, $40 at Chocolate Bar in Henri Bendel, 712 Fifth Ave., nr. 56th St., third fl.; 212-582-8283).

The City, Bottled
Take home a soil sample from each of the five boroughs ($15 at the City Reliquary, 370 Metropolitan Ave., nr. Havemeyer St., Williamsburg, Brooklyn; 718-782-4842).

Feeling Lazy?
See the Top of the Rock, among other sites, without the schlep (3-D poster, plus two viewing glasses, $15 at Depthography, 632 E. 11th St., nr. Ave. C; 212-674-4185).

Local Freebies
Keepers that don’t cost a thing.
Only in New York
Yes, the city has an official condom (Theory, 230 Columbus Ave., nr. 71st St.; 212-362-3676).

You Can Say You Went
Even if you don’t stay for gnudi, score a trendy coaster or three at the Spotted Pig (314 W. 11th St., nr. Greenwich St.; 212-620-0393).

The Unmarked Gift Shop
Fill your pockets with the stylish, municipal-looking soap bars available at the restaurant Public (210 Elizabeth St., nr. Prince St.; 212-343-7011).

For Your Lapel
Others pay $20 for the Met’s elegant entry pin, but with some chutzpa, it can cost you zilch (1000 Fifth Ave., at 82nd St.; 212-535-7710).

Peregrine Falcons in the City?
Near the Brooklyn Bridge, according to the Parks Department’s Forever Wild Nature Preserve map (Belvedere Castle, mid–Central Park at 79th St.; 212-772-0210).