Directed by Tim Mielants, “Small Things Like These” is a historical drama set for release in 2024. Starring Cillian Murphy, Patrick Ryan, and Peter Claffey, the film is an adaptation of the acclaimed novel by Claire Keegan. It tells the poignant story of a coal merchant who stumbles upon unsettling truths in a small Irish town dominated by the Catholic Church. With an IMDb rating of 7.3/10, “Small Things Like These” offers a profound and emotionally resonant narrative that delves into themes of morality, courage, and the human spirit.
Plot Overview:
Set in the 1980s in a small Irish town, the film follows Bill Furlong (Cillian Murphy), a hardworking coal merchant and father of five. Bill lives a modest life, dedicated to supporting his family and maintaining his business. Despite the town’s surface-level tranquility, there is an undercurrent of fear and silence, largely influenced by the omnipresence of the local convent and the Catholic Church.
As Christmas approaches, Bill’s routine deliveries to the convent lead him to a series of discoveries that unsettle his conscience. In the cold and secluded corridors of the convent, Bill uncovers disturbing secrets—evidence of the harsh and inhumane treatment of young women taken in by the nuns. The convent, which should be a place of sanctuary, is revealed to be hiding a dark and oppressive reality.
Haunted by what he has seen, Bill finds himself at a moral crossroads. The weight of his discoveries compels him to reflect on his own past, the choices he has made, and the complicity of those around him. The townspeople, largely aware but silent about the convent’s practices, represent a collective compliance that Bill can no longer accept.
Despite the potential repercussions, Bill decides to take a stand. His journey becomes one of personal redemption and courage as he challenges the powerful institutions that have long held the town in their grasp. Bill’s actions not only threaten his own safety but also risk the stability of his family and business. However, his growing sense of justice and empathy for the oppressed women drives him to confront the truth and seek change.
Themes and Messages:
“Small Things Like These” explores themes of morality, courage, and the human spirit. Bill’s journey underscores the importance of standing up against injustice, even when it means facing significant personal risk. His transformation from a passive observer to an active challenger reflects the broader human experience of finding the strength to confront uncomfortable truths.
The film also delves into the theme of complicity and the silence that enables wrongdoing. The townspeople’s reluctance to speak out against the convent highlights the power dynamics and fear that maintain the status quo. Bill’s decision to break this silence serves as a catalyst for change, emphasizing the impact one individual can have in challenging oppressive systems.
Additionally, “Small Things Like These” examines the theme of redemption. Bill’s actions are driven by a desire to make amends for his past choices and to create a better future for his children. The narrative illustrates the potential for personal growth and the transformative power of confronting one’s past and standing up for what is right.
Cinematic Elements:
Tim Mielants’ direction brings a poignant and atmospheric quality to “Small Things Like These.” The film’s cinematography captures the stark beauty of the Irish landscape, juxtaposed with the cold and imposing architecture of the convent. The use of lighting and composition effectively conveys the emotional and thematic nuances of the story, creating a visually immersive experience.
The performances of the lead actors are a standout feature of the film. Cillian Murphy delivers a powerful and nuanced portrayal of Bill Furlong, capturing the character’s internal conflict, determination, and empathy. Patrick Ryan’s portrayal of a supporting character adds depth and authenticity to the narrative, his presence resonating with viewers. Peter Claffey’s role as a key figure within the town provides an additional layer of tension and complexity, his character’s actions reflecting the broader themes of complicity and power.
The film’s soundtrack and score complement the narrative, featuring a mix of evocative and contemplative compositions that enhance the emotional impact of key scenes. The music underscores the themes of morality, courage, and redemption, adding depth and resonance to the overall experience.
Reception and Impact:
With an IMDb rating of 7.3/10, “Small Things Like These” has received positive reviews for its compelling storytelling, strong performances, and exploration of complex themes. The film’s examination of morality, courage, and the human spirit has resonated with audiences, making it a profound and emotionally resonant addition to the historical drama genre.
The film has sparked conversations about the power dynamics within small communities and the importance of speaking out against injustice. “Small Things Like These” encourages viewers to reflect on their own moral choices and the impact of standing up for what is right, even in the face of adversity.
“Small Things Like These” is a powerful and thought-provoking drama that explores themes of morality, courage, and redemption through the lens of a coal merchant’s journey of discovery and transformation. With standout performances from Cillian Murphy, Patrick Ryan, and Peter Claffey, and Tim Mielants’ expert direction, the film offers an engaging and emotionally resonant viewing experience.
As Bill Furlong navigates the complexities of his discoveries and takes a stand against injustice, “Small Things Like These” reminds us of the importance of confronting uncomfortable truths and the transformative power of empathy and courage. The film’s exploration of these themes, combined with its captivating storytelling and atmospheric visuals, makes it a noteworthy addition to the historical drama genre.
So, if you’re looking for a film that combines compelling storytelling, strong performances, and thought-provoking themes, “Small Things Like These” is the perfect choice. Let this poignant tale take you on a journey of morality, courage, and redemption in a small Irish town grappling with the weight of its secrets.