packing and gear

The 34 Best Umbrellas, As Tested by Strategist Editors

Ones that will keep you dry, won’t flip inside out, and actually look good.

Photo: Joe Lingeman
Photo: Joe Lingeman
Photo: Joe Lingeman

While there are plenty of perfectly serviceable umbrellas out there, we wanted to find the best version possible — one that will keep you dry, won’t flip, is easy to tote around, and (this isn’t asking too much) even looks nice. So ten members of the Strategist team — armed with top-reviewed contenders, from compact and motorized to steel-framed and maple-handled — waded into some of the gustiest corridors of the city. We checked for dryness, of course, but also for how their metal held up in the wind, how easy they were to open and close, and, last but not least, how we felt about being seen with them. These are 34 of the best umbrellas we tested.

Candidates: We combed through the Strategist’s previous coverage of umbrellas (the best-reviewed versions on Amazon, Seattleites’ favorite umbrellas), talked with shop owners of specialty stores Rain or Shine in New York and Bella Umbrella in New Orleans, and consulted various review sites to find the top-rated sticks and compacts in the umbrella-sphere.

Criteria: The most important thing an umbrella has to do is keep you dry, but not just that — we’ve lost many an umbrella to a gale-force wind, or simply left one at home because it was too bulky for the work bag. In addition to judging dryness, we also took into account an umbrella’s wind performance and comfort (encompassing its weight and portability as well). And while we appreciate a nice-looking umbrella, we do think for most people, looks are less important, so we rated each umbrella’s aesthetic on a less heavily weighted scale of one to three.

Dryness (1 to 5): How wet did it get us? How soaked did our shirts (and pants) get?
Wind Resistance (1 to 5): Did the umbrella flip inside out? Did it strain under the pressure? Was it vented to let air blow through?
Comfort (1 to 5): How onerous does the umbrella feel? Is it comfortable to hold or does it make our hand cramp? How smoothly does it open and close? How easy would it be tote around?
Looks (1 to 3): Does the handle look elegant or cheap? Is the hardware sophisticated? Would you be embarrassed to be seen with it?

Methodology: Each of our ten writers and editors walked five city blocks under the umbrella (or about five minutes) in light-colored clothing — shirt and pants — to judge the umbrella’s ability to keep us dry. The lighter clothing allowed us to perform a ballpark visual test. We headed to notoriously windy corners (in the Financial District, at Court and Montague Streets in Brooklyn) to gauge the umbrellas’ sturdiness under gusty situations, and when wind did not cooperate, we ran down the sidewalk holding the umbrellas at an angle to simulate wind. In the event of a tie, the cheaper umbrella “won” (you’ll notice that many of the umbrellas received the same score, in which case we ranked them in descending order of price). Finally, after every umbrella was reviewed, a second tester tried each of the top five scoring umbrellas and rendered her judgment — the cumulative scores for those top five determined the final ranking.

1. Davek Elite Umbrella

Dryness: 5 | Wind Resistance: 5 | Comfort: 5 | Looks: 3

I’ve never been in love with an umbrella before — why get attached when they’re so easy to lose? — but could really dive into luxury umbrellas after being wooed by this stupidly expensive $150 Davek Elite Umbrella. The umbrella truly does belong in a class of its own. It’s a certain shade of muted blue, and it opens like a dream with the flick of a switch (just slide it shut when you’re done). It’s also lightweight enough to hold in one hand, a full bag of laundry slung over the other shoulder — and miraculously wide enough to keep your entire body and that bag of laundry dry to the touch. — Lori Keong, writer

Second review
Dryness: 5 | Wind Resistance: 4.8 | Comfort: 4.8 | Looks: 3

Full transparency, I don’t like cane-style curved handles at all because they just feel less secure in my hand. That said, the Davek Stick umbrella looks and feels like a Bentley or some other fancy but tasteful British thing. Even its nylon sheath has been designed with precision and grace — it has a little hole at the top to let the tip of the umbrella through and a slit at the bottom to reveal the opener button. This umbrella is all about details, and it makes you walk a little taller when under its spread. I stayed ridiculously dry while circling a few blocks and even felt warmer than I did under other large umbrellas. Of all the ones I tested the Davek Stick had the most satisfying ca-chunk when I hit the button, followed by a big whoosh of the fabric. It held up well in the wind and the leather handle was a delight to hold. — Liza Corsillo, writer

2. LifeTek New Yorker Umbrella

Dryness: 5 | Wind Resistance: 5 | Comfort: 4 | Looks: 2.5

The LifeTek New Yorker is exactly what an umbrella should be. Under the giant canopy, it’s easy to forget it’s even raining out. It’s like being in a bubble of dryness that encompasses your whole body, unlike bubble umbrellas that keep your head dry but dump water down your sides. The strong ribs are totally wind-resistant, and the rubberized handle makes for easy gripping even in strong gusts. The black rubber and silver details give it a sporty look that’s not necessarily attractive, but it’s an inoffensive, clean-looking umbrella. While it felt lighter than other stick umbrellas I’ve tried, it’s still a big umbrella to carry and can feel cumbersome if you’re walking around with it closed. — Karen Iorio Adelson, writer

Second review

Dryness: 5 | Wind Resistance: 5 | Comfort: 4.5 | Looks: 3

In my imagination, rich and famous people carry big umbrellas like the LifeTek stick umbrella (or have it carried over them). In the few blocks I walked under this umbrella, I was exempted from the rain entirely. For its size, the LifeTek is super light and comfortable to carry — even at a full sprint. It is, however, a real commitment and for someone who is forgetful with umbrellas, it could be a liability. The handle is long with lots of grippy little dimples, lots of leverage and a shiny silver cap. I’ve never been a fan of cane-style umbrellas so this more sleek handle was a pleasant upgrade. The New Yorker model comes in four subdued colors: navy blue, dark red, and forest green in addition to (and all of which I’d prefer over) the black I tried. — L.C.

3. ShedRain WindPro Auto Open & Close Umbrella

Dryness: 5 | Wind Resistance: 4 | Comfort: 5 | Looks: 4

For something with the heft of a bodega umbrella, I was very surprised at how well this little polka-dotted guy from ShedRain held up in a downpour. I never believed in the existence of the super-lightweight and windproof umbrella before finding this one. The rain was moderate to heavy the day I tried it, and the quick open-and-release umbrella kept us very dry, with the exception of a few minutes I spent dawdling on a windy corner, viciously waiting to see this thing get destroyed. It was really straining and quivering in the wind, but all of the spokes that are the first thing to get mangled in a windstorm seem to be hewn together with a metal framework that’s sewn into the umbrella shade, which gives it that extra bit of resistance and structure in the rain. — L.K.

Second review
Dryness: 4 | Wind Resistance: 4.5 | Comfort: 4.5 | Looks: 2.5

This little umbrella checks a lot of boxes for me. It’s lightweight, very compact but with a handle that’s big enough to actually hold, it has a button that opens the umbrella and partially closes it for you and it’s a little ordinary-looking but still cute. I could fit the ShedRain WindPro in most of the bags I carry to work and it wouldn’t add any perceptible weight. It did not keep me entirely dry but for its small size, it worked well enough. I don’t have any strong complaints about this guy but for what it’s worth closing the ShedRain still isn’t a completely smooth process. Though after my walking test I did give it another open/close try and found that if I concentrated on gripping it with two hands and firmly pulled down I could close it in one motion. — L.C.

4. Davek Duet Umbrella

Dryness: 4 | Wind Resistance: 5 | Comfort: 5 | Looks: 3

Impressively large for a compact umbrella, the Davek kept me mostly dry (although some wayward-traveling rain did seep in), leaving me a little unsure this could live up to its promise of keeping two people totally protected. In the wind, the steel ribs creaked a bit, but I never felt like the umbrella was at risk of turning inside out or breaking. Where the Duet truly excels is its sturdy feel, effortless open-close mechanism, and sleek style. The leather wrist strap was an especially nice touch. — K.I.A.

Second Review
Dryness: 5 | Wind Resistance: 4 | Comfort: 2.5 | Looks: 2.5

My first impression of this umbrella is that it’s way too heavy. Like the smaller Davek it has a luxe leather-covered handle that fits my hand well and a leather wrist strap (which I found unnecessary and stiff). But the weight of the umbrella had already put a strain on my wrist in the five minutes it took to test it. I did stay very dry however with not a drop on my upper half and only my feet affected below the waist. I already carry so much to and from work on a daily basis that the weight of this umbrella is a deal-breaker, though it works inarguably well. — L.C.

5. ShedRain UnbelievaBrella Auto Open-Close Reverse Umbrella

Dryness: 5 | Wind Resistance: 4 | Comfort: 4.5 | Looks: 3

What sets the ShedRain apart from its competition is its reverse-closing style — the umbrella folds up inside out, keeping water off you when you’re carrying it closed. It’s a great feature for when you’re coming in from outside and don’t want to put down or hang up a soaking wet umbrella. The ShedRain also did a solid job of keeping me dry while I was using it, and the single button that opens and closes the umbrella was easy to use. — K.I.A.

Second Review
Dryness: 4 | Wind Resistance: 4 | Comfort: 4 | Looks: 2

I found the looks of the ShedRain umbrella totally inoffensive. It’s a simple compact umbrella with a minimal handle and soft-ribbon wrist strap, which I actually prefer to a leather strap. It’s lightweight and would fit easily in most totes and backpacks. After taking it out for a test drive I had a few damp droplets on my pants but virtually nothing on my jacket. My main complaint is that the handle on the ShedRain felt loose and wobbled left to right in my hand as I walked and more so as I ran. Instead of folding up like a regular compact umbrella, this one folds in reverse to keep you dry when closing it. It still takes an effort to close, but at least I stayed dry in the process. — L.C.

6. Davek Savile Umbrella

Dryness: 5 | Wind: 4 | Comfort: 3.5 | Style: 3

Okay, time for the $350 umbrella, which Davek reminds you is its most exclusive. Obviously it’s a lot to spend, but this is a luxury item, and for those who have the means to buy it, the answer to the worth-it question is yes, I think you do get what you pay for. You can tell it’s extremely well-made. The shaft and handle are made from a single piece of chestnut; the ribs are steel. The canopy is really big, but not so absurdly large as a golf umbrella’s. I appreciated the extra coverage. All of this makes for an umbrella that’s elegant and sturdy, but also quite heavy for everyday use (but if you have a driver, that’s a moot point). One thing I ended up really appreciating about this one are the sounds it makes. When you open it up there’s a deep thunk of the wood and then a whoosh. The rain hitting the canopy created almost drumlike thumps. I loved it. — David Notis, writer

7. AmazonBasics Automatic Travel Umbrella with Wind Vent

Dryness: 4 | Wind Resistance: 4 | Comfort: 5 | Looks: 2

Just a few bucks more than your standard garbage drugstore umbrella, this AmazonBasics number will actually last (and if you do leave it in a Lyft, well, it’s not totally the end of the world). The wind vent (which you hardly notice) makes it much less likely that the umbrella will flip; opening and closing it is a breeze, and the soft-as-a–Sara Lee–pound-cake handle rivals the Daveks and Repels of the world. — Alexis Swerdloff, Strategist editor

8. Muji Markable Umbrella

Dryness: 4.5 | Wind: 4 | Comfort: 4.5 | Looks: 2

Full disclosure: This has been my go-to umbrella for two years now, so I’ve had a lot more experience with it than with the others I tested out. That said, it cost me $15, and it still works great. It has a plastic handle and tip which might seem inelegant compared to the wooden or metal parts on other stick umbrellas, but they’re also noticeably lighter in weight. I think everything about this one is “just right.” The canopy isn’t insanely large, but it gives way more coverage than any compact umbrella could, and it’s surprisingly sturdy. It’s never turned inside out in two years, and even though it’s a $15 umbrella, people often think it’s much fancier than it is. — D.N.

9. Repel Windproof Travel Umbrella

Type: Compact

Dryness: 4.5 | Wind Resistance: 5 | Comfort: 3.5 | Looks: 2

My legs got a little damp, but for the most part, the Repel Windproof Travel Umbrella kept my body and clothes dry. I tested this umbrella on a day that was more windy than wet, and I was shocked with how hefty it felt, especially given the compact size. The fabric barely fluttered even as I walked directly into the wind, and I had no concerns about the umbrella flipping inside out or straining. For its size, this umbrella was surprisingly hefty, with most of the weight in the handle, and that made it a little tiresome to hold up for a long walk (so much so that my boyfriend started complaining that I was dropping the umbrella little by little). I would give it top marks for ease of opening and closing, which you can do with the press of a button. It’s a very reasonable size to carry around, too; I could comfortably fit it in my backpack once the rain stopped. It looks like any black travel umbrella, though perhaps with a slightly nicer, rubberized handle. — Maxine Builder, managing editor

10. GustBuster Pro Series Gold Golf Umbrella

Dryness: 5 | Wind Resistance: 5 | Comfort: 3 | Looks: 2

I didn’t test the “unflippable, unflappable, unleakable” fiberglass GustBuster by affixing it to the outside of a moving car like Consumer Reports did (what an image), but I can tell you that I am a very brisk walker. True to its name, the GustBuster was unruffled by blustering winds and deceptively windy corners, but that double canopy is heavy. Because it’s so physically large you can count on not getting wet unless you’re sharing with two large adults, and the slide open is much smoother than the one on the golf umbrella I have at home. I’m docking points though because my weak hands had a miserable time getting the canopy to close. You really have to mash your thumb down on the switch at the top of the shaft, which, after five minutes of struggling, I finally managed. — L.K.

11. Davek Traveler Umbrella

Dryness: 5 | Wind Resistance: 3 | Comfort: 4 | Looks: 3

This umbrella offered excellent protection against the rain and got top marks for weight and comfort (it’s so portable and easy to hold). I lent it out to my roommate and it kept her bone dry on a multiple-stop grocery run during a sleet storm. It is also just the right size and quite light, which would make it an excellent commute companion. The main drawback is that, while it opens really easily, it is difficult to close due to some resistance. Like a lot of the Davek umbrellas do, it looks and feels expensive, so I gave it a maximum score. — Dominique Pariso, writer

12. ShedRain e-Motion Motorized Open & Close Golf Umbrella

Dryness: 5 | Wind Resistance: 4 | Comfort: 3.5 | Looks: 2.5

The mechanism for opening and closing this umbrella is electric and rechargeable (ShedRain says it holds a charge for months, though it can open manually once the battery runs out of juice, too). That makes the umbrella super fun to use — it’s almost futuristic — but especially heavy at the hand (and tiring on the wrist). More than most umbrellas, this one feels like a luxury product, though, with a superlong handle and nice canopy depth and width (it’s 58 inches across) — I felt secure there was no chance I’d get wet. It’s pretty good, though not perfect, against wind. There was one moment when a big gust slightly inverted one edge of the umbrella but it popped right back impressively. — Jason Chen, deputy editor

13. GustBuster 68-Inch Canopy Doorman Umbrella

Dryness: 4 | Wind Resistance: 5 | Comfort: 2.5 | Looks: 3

The handsome, wooden handle just looks expensive on this umbrella. You can imagine a top-hatted gentleman using it in a fancy lobby. This baby also does not budge in the wind. I did, however, take off major points because the umbrella is just too heavy and unwieldy for day-to-day use. I was bumped into several times when I was carrying it and, at one point, almost accidentally took somebody’s eye out. It might be a good idea if you’re going to be in an open field during a windstorm, but a bit much for an everyday commute. — D.P.

14. Blunt Metro Travel Umbrella

Dryness: 2 | Wind: 5 | Comfort: 4.5 | Looks: 3

This felt much sturdier than your average compact umbrella. I tested it out by the water in the Financial District, where it gets particularly windy. I could feel the ribs under the canopy adjusting with the wind and redistributing the force; I think it would take a lot to flip it inside out. (I even leaned into the wind a bit to try). It fell short, however, in what matters most: keeping me dry. The canopy is just too small. I’m not sure if it’s just a question of size, or if the issue was exacerbated by the “blunt” petal-like design, which leaves some gaps in coverage. It kept my head dry and mostly my shoulders, but not my feet. I’d say this is great if you want something really compact and durable, but there are some cheaper options that work better out there. — D.N.

15. ShedRain e-Motion Motorized Open & Close Compact Umbrella

Dryness: 4.5 | Wind: 3.5 | Comfort: 4.5 | Looks: 2

I ended up liking this one more than I thought I would. Is it necessary to have an umbrella with a motorized open/close mechanism? No. But is it fun? Yes, definitely. It actually sort of ended up coming in handy: I had it with me one rainy night after grocery shopping, and since I had my hands full carrying a few bags, it was nice to be able to grab the umbrella and press down on the button to open it without putting anything down. I liked that it had a larger canopy than most compacts, too, so I felt well-covered. I’m more likely to use it because of that, not because of the motorized open and close. — D.N.

16. Lifetek Traveler 45 FX2 Umbrella

Dryness: 3.5 | Wind Resistance: 3.5 | Comfort: 4.5 | Looks: 2.5

The Lifetek is a simple, all-black umbrella. Not too flashy, but also not particularly special. After I took it for a spin, I was happy to find that my legs were quite dry, but somehow, my upper half didn’t fare quite as well. With the proper rain jacket, though, I think I would’ve been rather comfortable. The umbrella opens extremely smoothly with a simple one-touch button, but it’s a little difficult to close, so I docked half a point. It scored almost perfectly, though, because it’s very compact and easily fits in a tote bag. — S.K.

17. Gustbuster LTD Umbrella

Dryness: 5 | Wind Resistance: 5 | Comfort: 3 | Looks: 1

This thing can probably handle a tornado. I took it through one of the windiest streets in New York, and it barely batted an eye. That’s likely because of its famous (and patented) “temper-hardened steel joint connectors.” Which makes its relative lightness all the more impressive. The flaws? It has an extra Velcro fastener for the second canopy (one Velcro fastener is plenty for our fumbling fingers, thank you very much) and while it’s kind of neat that its sheath doubles as a backpack, who among us really wants to wear her umbrella? (And the nylon strings got tangled in my tote bag). — A.S.

18. Certain Standard Hackney Large Umbrella

Dryness: 4 | Wind Resistance: 3.5 | Comfort: 4 | Looks: 2.5

This is a nice big stick umbrella that offers up lots of coverage, but it’s a bit more contained than a golf umbrella, so it wasn’t as unwieldy. The version I tested was poppy-colored with a white accent and a lapis-blue shaft, which places it firmly in “statement umbrella” territory, which might not be for everyone (I liked it). The real takeaway is how light this thing is — it rivals certain compact styles in its lightness. Flipping wasn’t an issue, but given its incredibly lightweight frame, I definitely felt my arm lift up when a strong gust of wind passed through. I didn’t think I was going to float away, but I did feel the need to hold on a little more firmly. The cork handle was comfy, but it was straight and didn’t have a fabric loop, which kept me from being to stow it away once it stopped raining. — S.K.

19. Davek Solo Umbrella

Dryness: 3 | Wind Resistance: 5 | Comfort: 3 | Looks: 3

Davek’s long-standing best-seller had no trouble with Montague Street’s gusty pockets and the lifetime warranty is very nice when you are paying $100 for an umbrella as unassuming as the Solo. Maybe my wrists are on the weaker side, but I found it somewhat taxing to close it all the way, especially if I was going to be doing something that required speed, like, say, racing to catch a subway train. — A.S.

20. Procella 68-Inch Golf Umbrella

Dryness: 5 | Wind Resistance: 4.5 | Comfort: 3 | Looks: 1

This 68-inch umbrella obviously kept me dry — it’s like walking around with a patio umbrella, and just as unwieldy, although given how large it is, I was surprised by how lightweight and easy it was to carry (probably because of the fiberglass shaft). The foam handle — a mainstay of golf umbrellas — was also extremely comfortable, and the umbrella’s wind performance! Procella claims it can withstand winds up 46 miles an hour, and I believe it. The major downside: that overbearing giant logo. — J.C.

[Editor’s note: This umbrella is sold out, but the slightly smaller 62-inch version of it, which has a significantly less overbearing logo, is in stock at Procella for $34. Like the 68-inch umbrella, this one is “totally windproof,” but Procella doesn’t specify whether it can withstand winds up to 46 mph.]

21. Certain Standard Mile-Ex Large Umbrella

Dryness: 4.5 | Wind Resistance: 3 | Comfort: 4 | Looks: 2

I loved the way the cork handle felt in my grip, though it would’ve been much more functional if it were a hook; I had a bit of a hard time toting it back from work because there was no real way to transport it without holding it in your hand. It also doesn’t have an automatic open/close, so you have to use two hands to slide the runner up to the top — a silly design flaw that even bodega umbrellas have advanced past. The umbrella did a terrific job of keeping me dry, though, and it felt strong in the face of wind, too, though there were some bursts that made me feel like I might get carried away like Mary Poppins. The looks aren’t quite to my taste, but they are a colorful departure from the standard black or navy. — J.C.

22. Totes Titan Automatic Umbrella

Type: Compact

Dryness: 4 | Wind Resistance: 3 | Comfort: 4 | Looks: 2

If you’re looking for a compact umbrella to keep in your bag or at your desk during an emergency storm, this would be a solid pick. It’s extremely lightweight and compact so it’s easy to carry around and it provides enough coverage to help you stay dry. However, probably because it’s so light, the Totes felt flimsy when I turned onto a windy corner. The ribs flexed and the canopy lifted up in even a light wind and felt like it’d be close to flipping inside out under the pressure of anything heavier. — K.I.A.

23. Totes Signature Bubble Umbrella

Type: Stick

Dryness: 3 | Wind Resistance: 4 | Comfort: 3 | Looks: 3

This umbrella is really ideal for those non-downpour rainy days when you want to feel somewhat stylish and a little bit like a Japanese teen; if it’s raining hard, your pants and feet may get wet. But if we’re talking a normal rain shower, the Totes will not only keep your upper body very dry, but you’ll really be able to see where you’re going. Because it’s a bubble, I could rest it on my head at stoplights and use both my hands to check my email. — A.S.

24. GustBuster Metro 43-Inch Automatic Umbrella

Dryness: 4 | Wind Resistance: 5 | Comfort: 2.5 | Looks: 1.5

With its vented canopy, this umbrella lived up to its name — there wasn’t any wind turbulence that made it turn inside out or feel anything less than solid. The umbrella has a short barrel handle that isn’t particularly comfortable to hold, though, and it’s definitely not good-looking enough that you’d be proud to carry it around (or even lend it to a friend). It did a decent job of covering me from the rain, but because the umbrella pole doesn’t extend very far, I felt like I had to constantly readjust how high I was holding the umbrella to make sure it gave me decent coverage. — J.C.

25. Davek Mini Umbrella

Dryness: 2.5 | Wind Resistance: 3.5 | Comfort: 4 | Looks: 3

This umbrella is really, really small. Once the rain stops, it’s not a bummer to carry around — easily the worst part of the whole umbrella experience — but when it is raining, the diameter of coverage (around 38 inches) is going to be smaller than your standard $5 umbrella, which is usually 40 inches or bigger. It doesn’t cover a lot of ground. When walking it almost always needed to be held forward at a 45-degree angle to gain better coverage, which is cumbersome and annoying — I definitely got wet. But perhaps you think the best umbrella is the umbrella that’s always on you, and you could definitely keep this in your bag permanently without it hogging space. The lighter structure also gave it a slight swaying feeling against the wind, though it never felt like it would snap or flip. — S.K.

26. Blunt Classic Umbrella

Dryness: 4 | Wind Resistance: 4 | Comfort: 3 | Looks: 2

A mostly functional umbrella with a sturdy design, the Blunt has some design flaws that made me question if it was worth the price. While it has a wide canopy, its rounded-tip edges left openings for rain and wind to blow in. It’ll definitely still keep you dry, but for an umbrella of this size I expected total protection. Even compared to other large, stick umbrellas, the Blunt felt heavy to hold and my wrist cramped up when I tried to juggle it while also carrying bags. — K.I.A.

27. G4Free 68-Inch Automatic Open Golf Umbrella

Dryness: 5 (can I give it a 6?!) | Wind: 3 | Comfort: 2 | Looks: 2

Okay, the canopy on this one is comically huge, but I kind of loved it. This umbrella has two Velcro closure straps, it’s that big. You press the button and it slowly slides open like you’re powering up a lightsaber. I got a lot of weird looks walking around the East Village and taking up all of the sidewalk’s air rights, but honestly it felt kind of nice knowing that the rain wasn’t going to touch me or basically anything within a three-foot radius. Obviously, it’s not an easy thing to carry around. It’s pretty heavy, and I found the straight handle less comfortable to hold than the standard stick umbrella “hook handle.” The padded material on the grip feels a little cheap too. The vent is a nice touch for wind, but since this thing is so huge, it does have a tendency to “catch” in the wind. — D.N.

28. ShedRain Vortex Vent XL 68″ Golf Umbrella

Dryness: 4 | Wind Resistance: 4.5 | Comfort: 1.5 | Looks: 2

I wanted to love this umbrella because I genuinely believe not even gale-force winds could cause it to buckle. But it has to be said that the pole is so tall and the circumference is so vast that I couldn’t find a comfortable position to hold it. I was either holding it too high and tiring out my arm or holding it too low and cutting off my visibility. In either position, I felt like I didn’t have a good grip. Admittedly, I am a weakling, but it’s simply too big for the average person’s needs. Yes, I was extremely dry, but I had to work too hard to stay that way. — D.P.

29. Lewis N. Clark Travel Umbrella

Dryness: 2.5 | Wind Resistance: 3.5 | Comfort: 3.5 | Looks: 2.25

The canopy of this compact version doesn’t pitch that high, so side-rain (it comes from all directions!) was an issue. I found that if I angled it too far one way or the other, drops from the umbrella would hit the back of my pants, too, because its coverage was just not enough (it’s 38 inches across). I do have to say that though I had doubts about its wind resistance, the retractable frame and shaft stayed secure even after a gust. I had to subtract a point for comfort because the click-button release doesn’t respond that quickly, though it does automatically open with the push of a button (good for one-handed use). Its aesthetics aren’t anything to mention — it’s just a very standard-looking umbrella. — S.K.

30. Lifetek Traveler 42 FX1 Umbrella

Dryness: 3.5 | Wind Resistance: 2.5 | Comfort: 3.5 | Looks: 2

The Traveler really was spiffy for carrying around — it felt light and nice in my hand. In the rain, though, it ran into some problems. I felt that the pole was a bit short, which meant I had to hold the umbrella pretty far down to keep it close to the top of my head. A blast of wind came by though, and flipped the umbrella inside out — two blocks later, it happened again. It’s sleek and nice-looking enough, if nothing special. — J.C.

31. Weatherman Collapsible Umbrella

Dryness: 4.5 | Wind Resistance: 3.5 | Comfort: 2 | Looks: 1

My shins and shoes got a little rained on, but the rest of my body stayed pretty dry. It’s totally average against the wind. It didn’t feel the most sturdy, but I didn’t fear that it would flip inside out either. For a “compact” umbrella, though, the Weatherman Collapsible is overly big. It’s too long to comfortably slip into a backpack or tote bag. And while the umbrella’s biggest selling point is that it comes with a little Bluetooth-enabled tile to keep track of it using Weatherman’s app, I could not figure it out (and I’m fairly tech-savvy). It connected to my Android phone, but I couldn’t get it to update. In fact, after a week, the battery seemed to have died completely. — M.B.

32. Pierre Vaux Solid Wood Black Umbrella

Dryness: 3 | Wind Resistance: 4 | Comfort: 1 | Looks: 2

I felt like a real dapper Dan toting this French-made umbrella around town. For its drinks-at-the–Harvard Club looks, the Pierre Vaux is quite lightweight, but big, big points against it for pinching my fingers more than once upon closing it. — A.S.

[Editor’s note: Rain or Shine has permanently closed, and it appears that Pierre Vaux has stopped making his particular umbrella. If you’re looking for something similar, Pierre Vaux sells several other high-end, French-made umbrellas on its website.]

33. Totes InBrella Reverse Close Umbrella

From $28

Dryness: 2.5 | Wind Resistance: 2.5 | Comfort: 3.5 | Looks: 1

I have to say, I did not love this umbrella. The main draw to the inverted design is that it collapses in instead of opening out, saving you from having to deal with a dripping-wet accessory, but other than that nice touch, the construction feels a little flimsy. The dome of the umbrella is quite shallow, which gives excellent visibility but didn’t offer very much in the way of protection. I didn’t love the pattern, either. — D.P.

34. Eez-y Compact Travel Umbrella

Dryness: 2 | Wind Resistance: 2 | Comfort: 3 | Looks: 2

Testing on this Eez-y travel umbrella started during the great rain/snow drizzle of 2019, and though it wasn’t quite raining, I noticed that the shallow wingspan of the umbrella shade combined with the angle of the wind meant that approximately half of my body was pelted with snowflakes. It does okay in moderately windy conditions, but it threatens to invert if the wind even slightly picks up. I could see it getting trashed by a stronger gust of wind. — L.K.

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The 34 Best Umbrellas, As Tested by Strategist Editors