Although it’s not official, Memorial Day weekend always marks the beginning of summer for me: It’s finally warm outside, and suddenly all of my friends and family are taking their first summer vacations of the season. With all those trips on the calendar, this weekend is a great time to stock up on camping and hiking gear and apparel at steep discounts. I have been writing about and reviewing outdoor gear for the past six years and covered countless sales, including the annual REI Anniversary Sale, which runs from now until May 27. It’s one of the best opportunities each year to save on outdoor gear. The best part is that the best outdoor gear is meant to last a long time, so the quality makes these discounts that much sweeter. Here are all the best deals I’ve found, from ultracomfy Exped sleeping pads to cozy Arc’teryx jackets and — in my opinion — the best folding camping chair money can buy.
Baggies go with everything, and I practically live in them all summer.
These Outdoor Voices pants have two zip-off points, so you can turn them into shorts, three-quarter-length pants, or regular pants with cinchable cuffs.
We were excited when Outdoor Voices launched these overalls back in 2022. They’re made from the same wrinkle-free fabric as the zip-off pants above, and now they’re 30 percent off.
After I tested the Atom, it replaced five different jackets in my gear closet.
I have beat up these hiking socks on backpacking trips, day hikes, and winter camping trips. They’re some of the warmest, most durable socks I’ve used.
I think the Keb trousers are the best pants you can buy for backpacking and hiking — especially if you’ll be hiking in inclement weather.
Despite what the weather may suggest, now is a great time to buy a winter coat — there are so many good deals. This parka is one of the jackets we recommend in our guide to shopping at Patagonia. Writer Arielle Avila is a fan and says, “I can’t stress how nice it is to have a puffer that doesn’t take up lots of closet space.”
Merrell Moabs are a classic because they offer waterproof protection with plenty of ventilation. They’re one of my top recommendations.
One of my favorite daily trainer shoes, the Saucony Triumph is also one of my top recommendations for beginner runners.
These are the climbing shoes I recommend for beginners. Even if you climb occasionally, it’s a solid investment — no more renting smelly shoes from the climbing gym!
Camping and hiking gear
I love my Jetboil for making coffee at camp. It boils water in less than two minutes — faster than my gooseneck kettle does at home!
When people ask what camping chair they should get, I tell them to get the Kelty Low Loveseat and to never look back. It can fit two people comfortably but offers extra space for solo s’mores making.
This will likely be the last headlamp you buy. I have been using my Spot for years at camp and on climbing trips, and it hasn’t shown any signs of wear.
I find two-person tents aren’t really big enough for two people plus your gear. I camp with this three-person Half Dome, which has just the right amount of space.
Unless you plan on camping in the snow, a 30-degree sleeping bag should keep you comfortable on year-round camping trips. The Magma 30 is my most used sleeping bag, and I have tried over a dozen three-season ones.
This two-burner stove is what I use to make all my meals at camp. Plus, its eggshell-green cover gives it a retro vibe.
Sleeping pads are crucial for staying warm at night: They create a layer between you and the ground, which can zap your body of heat. This sleeping pad is popular with hikers because it’s lightweight and you don’t have to inflate it (therefore no risk of puncturing). I strap mine to the outside of my pack.
Similar to how most two-person tents won’t fit two people comfortably, the same concept applies to hammocks. Instead of the SingleNest, I prefer the roomier feel of the DoubleNest for solo use.
This is the best-two person sleeping pad you can get (and it should actually be comfortable for two people). I don’t have the data to prove it, but I believe I get better sleep on this sleeping pad than on my mattress at home.
The Forerunner 265 is the running watch I recommend to most people for its straightforward display and accuracy. The discounted 255 is very similar to that model in its features and functionality, except it doesn’t have a touchscreen.
These bone-conduction headphones let you hear what’s going on around you (cars, runners, cyclists) while you’re jamming out to your pump-up playlist. They work surprisingly well.
If you’re looking for a watch that can track multiple activities and sports, this one, which has 95(!) sport modes, is the one I recommend. It will likely be the last GPS watch you buy.
Bags and packs
This fanny pack that you can actually run with is one of my favorite pieces of running gear.
My colleague Kat Gillespie calls our favorite carry-on backpack “a backpack for suitcase people.”
This is the most durable duffel bag I own, and at 40 percent off, it’s one of the best Anniversary Sale deals I’ve found.
The Strategist is designed to surface the most useful, expert recommendations for things to buy across the vast e-commerce landscape. Some of our latest conquests include the best acne treatments, rolling luggage, pillows for side sleepers, natural anxiety remedies, and bath towels. We update links when possible, but note that deals can expire and all prices are subject to change.