Mallory Hagan, a Windsor Terrace resident and the new Miss America, took some of her first steps toward the big tiara two years ago in a recital hall at Brooklyn College, where she triumphed over eight other contestants to claim the title of Miss Brooklyn 2010. Here, highlights from the historic competition.
“The worst moment of the pageant was when we were standing to get into the theater. We were all lined up in our bikinis and enormous shoes, and it was freezing cold! Mallory was fabulous, though. She had a perfect purple bikini with huge hot-pink earrings, which up close looked gaudy but looked amazing onstage.”
— Aubrie Fennecken, second runner-up
“By the time she did her talent, I knew she had won. If I can be honest, it’s usually such a snoozefest, because most girls sing. Pageant girls love musical theater. If I have to hear the song “Home” one more time …”
— Marshana Dahlia Ritchie, Emcee
“We bonded because I was wearing a sorority pin, and she turned around and asked me about it—not that we did a secret handshake or anything! That does exist, I guess, but we didn’t do that.”
— Teresa Lee, third runner-up
“She did the Michael Jackson tap dance. She had on the whole outfit—black pants, a red tie, a fedora hat. She went up on her toes and did the famous Michael Jackson pose. And she moonwalked! You don’t see that every day.”
— Kristen Schmidt, judge
“I learned a lot from her. It wasn’t like I could ask advice outright, because no one is really going to tell you what their secrets are, but you can learn from watching. For instance, I didn’t know there was glue you could use on your swimsuit, to put on your rear to keep it in place. I’m a little bottom-heavy, and so was she at the time, and one part of my swimsuit flipped into my butt cheek! I’m pretty sure I lost points for that.”
— Venuza Laveaux, contestant
“Right before she left for Miss America, I texted her to say, ‘The second you walked in the room, I knew you were a special lady.’”
— Christina Moore, fourth runner-up