In her debut column for Glamour magazine, titled “My Zo-Called Life,” Girls star Zosia Mamet gets real about a really real topic: insecurities. Mamet says we should all share our neuroses with our close friends, relatives, and significant others, not only because of the whole stress-relieving thing, but also because, as a friend explained to her, neuroses are diamonds. “Neuroses and emotional quirks aren’t things to hide but delicate and precious treasures. She urged me to share these ‘diamonds’ and reassured me the right person would love them and appreciate them,” Mamet writes.
She backs up her share “the heavy stuff” decree by telling a story about how once, when she had to be separated from her boyfriend for a month for work, she decided he would realize how unbelievably crazy she was the moment she took her eyes off him and promptly end things. But guess what? He didn’t! She revealed the whole internal saga and he told her “he loves how f–king weird” she is. Aww. So now they both love how insecure she feels about their relationship, together!
Mamet ends the column by driving home the fact that we must love our insecurities and really own them: “Cheesy as it sounds, if you don’t see your neuroses as beautiful, neither will anyone else. So polish those jewels, cherish them, and share them. What’s the point of having diamonds if you don’t wear them?” Does this still apply if our diamonds come in the form of a muffin top?