Kate McKinnon — one part Ghostbuster, one part better Justin Bieber, and all parts funnywoman — is featured in this week’s New York Times Magazine, interviewed by Maureen Dowd (interesting choice). McKinnon, who perfectly lampoons Hillary Clinton on SNL, also plays a crazy cat lady on the late-night show. Dowd insists that cat ladies are a “cliché that’s pathetic.” Pathetic no more, McKinnon insists:
“What’s not to love about a crazy cat lady? You have to be very giving to be a crazy cat lady,” she explains to Dowd, which — hey — isn’t wrong.
McKinnon also went on to literally son the men she often impersonates on SNL, telling Dowd that she is always worried she’s going to upset them, specifically Bieber. “I love him. I love them all. They’re like my children.” But when it comes to doing her most beloved impression, the inimitable Hillary Clinton, she claims that in order to really do her right, she has to be somewhat aligned with Clinton’s personality already: “What I find so lovable about her is her conviction,” she explains. “And I feel like I have that. I just love how badly she wants to fix stuff. I would like to do that. I’m just not smart enough.” Nonsense.