Anna Steglich, Retired Deputy Clerk and Equestrian
What did you do as a clerk? I processed paperwork and handled cases from beginning to end. I actually worked on the Bernie Madoff case, which I didn’t like. It was annoying — not only was he so awful, but there was so much paperwork!
How did you get into horses? Back in the ’80s, this woman on the subway asked me for directions to Astoria. We started talking, and I thought she just had the greatest life ever, living on a ranch in Montana. We ended up exchanging addresses, writing each other letters, and I went with my kids to visit her. She’s now my best friend, and I’ll go out there about once a year. About nine years ago, I bought my own horse, and now I ride three times a week. I also bought three houses in Montana, which I rent out. As they say in Monopoly, three houses, then you get a hotel!
Lightning Round
Neighborhood: Forest Hills.
Siblings: Five. “All women, including my fraternal twin sister and another set of twins.”
Belt: “I got it in Montana and added my own ingredients: roses and a gold A.”
Horse’s name: Doc.
Favorite restaurant: “Pizza Classica in Glendale. I usually get a salad with grilled chicken.”
Favorite movie: “Anything with Clint Eastwood.”
*This article appears in the October 19, 2015 issue of New York Magazine.