The story goes that Taylor Swift is the young beautiful fairy godmother of the pop world and that everything she does is baked with good intentions and sprinkled with confectioner’s sugar. In a new Rolling Stone profile of Abel Tesfaye (a.k.a. the Weeknd), however, there’s an anecdote that’s less sugarplum fairy and more drunk college freshman.
At a post-Grammys party for Sam Smith (one held at an $80 million mansion in Bel-Air, no less), Tesfaye got the chance to meet Swift for the first time. He reports that she said she’d “been listening to ‘The Morning’ [from House of Balloons] for years — it’s one of my favorite songs ever!”
Tesfaye is predictably suspicious, saying that she “might have just Googled it.” And then, he says, Taylor did this:
Tesfaye says Swift went on for about 15 minutes. “But the whole time she was talking,” he says, “she was kind of, like, petting my hair? I think she was just drawn to it — she must have been a little gone off a few drinks. And of course I’m not going to be like, ‘Hey, can you stop?’ I mean, it felt good! But when she started petting my hair, that’s when I was like, ‘I definitely need a drink.’”
Come on, Taylor. TAYLOR. Whyyyy. Shouldn’t she know better?