Look at These Cats and Dogs Doing Chic New Year’s Yoga
If you’re looking for January fitness inspiration, you can’t do much better than an English bulldog doing a handstand while balancing a Louis Vuitton trunk on his toes. To help carry our New Year’s motivation into the second week of the year, the Cut asked photographer Dan Borris to create photo illustrations of cats and dogs with over-the-top accessories from the latest spring resort collections.
Borris is no stranger to editorial work: He’s been shooting for the past three decades for outlets like New York, the New York Times, and Vanity Fair. But he’s also got a sideline as an animals-doing-yoga impresario. He first photographed a dog in a pose in 2003, and since then, his Yoga Dogs franchise has grown into a photographic retail empire.
Borris’s wife (whom he met in a yoga class, of course) plays with each animal as he shoots. A portion of his earnings goes to the animal shelters where Borris finds the kittens and puppies.
Click ahead to see Gabriella the Doberman pinscher execute a flawless Warrior 1 in a silk Gucci scarf, Savi the Siamese cat in Half-Lotus pose in a Bottega Veneta necklace, and more.
Photographs by Dan Borris. Styling by Rebecca Ramsey. Text by Catie L’Heureux.
*A version of this article appears in the January 11, 2016 issue of New York Magazine.